To The Dogs

To The Dogs

A blackened thrash demo recorded in 2020, that sounds like it was recorded in the […]
By Ian Yeara
June 14, 2021
To The Dogs - To The Dogs album cover

A blackened thrash demo recorded in 2020, that sounds like it was recorded in the late 90s, how original. Sorry if I sound a little cynical on this one, but this is one of the most common gimmicks in metal. I use the word gimmick, yet the problem here is that this band doesn't really have one; there's nothing particularly interesting or different about their sound or style. Let's go back a little, these guys, Nikki Jeremic, Ian Olsen, and Chris McMorrow formed To the Dogs in 2020 and immediately released their 8 minute, 3 track self-titled demo. It's competently made, if this sort of thing is your cup of tea, but I suppose that's the issue, isn't it? I don't particularly care for blackened thrash metal, really, it's more that I just don't like thrash in general. Blackened thrash is at least more interesting than the regular kind, though in this case the only real difference between the two is production and mix. Everything is a little more raw and biting than you would get from normal thrash which I suppose works in the band's favor, but really there's just nothing to talk about when it comes to the music itself.

Three songs totaling 8:45, but really it's just one song, there's hardly anything differentiating the songs, certainly no hooks or changes in tempo/dynamics. That critique defines my dislike of thrash as a genre; generally speaking, in my experience thrash has about two, maybe three tempos. There's the 4/4 gallop, there's blast beating your brains out, then there's the mid-tempo romp sometimes, which is almost the thrash equivalent of a ballad. Sure, if you like blackened thrash this demo will appeal to you, but personally I just don't find much there beyond proof of concept that the band can indeed play a blackened variety of thrash metal. Boy they sure can do it, but can they do anything else? I suppose the full length will answer that question, but this is a great example of why I find reviewing demos to be, by and large, a waste of time. Not to mention that I'm totally the wrong person to be critiquing a genre I don't like in the first place. Regardless, the point of a demo is to gain some attention and traction, so I hope that anyone reading this at least goes to check these guys out, you never know, they might be perfect for your tastes.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"To The Dogs" Track-listing:

1. Virus
2. Prowler
3. To the Dogs

To The Dogs Lineup:

Nikki Jeremic - Bass, Vocals
Ian Olsen - Drums
Chris McMorrow - Guitars, Vocals

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