Anthems For Misfits

Plastic Tears

The Scandi countries when not producing the finest Classic Rock, or the darkest of Black […]
May 30, 2021
Plastic Tears - Anthems For Misfits album cover

The Scandi countries when not producing the finest Classic Rock, or the darkest of Black Metal bands seem to be able produce a good line in sleezy Punk 'n Roll merchants, like HANOI ROCKS or THE BACKYARD BABIES and Helsinki band PLASTIC TEARS fit that mold too.  "Anthems For Misfits" is the bands 4th album.  The bands look on the pictures on their website sum up the sound, all ripped jeans, sneakers and mirrored shades.  Heck Miqu ever sports a nifty Misfits bandana on one such pic to be on message.

From opening track "Doomsday Girls" it is obvious what we are in for, a good time Rock and Roll time with more than a smattering of Punk 'tude.  Honky Tonk piano and low stung guitars and a pounding beat set the tone for what is to come. "Riot Zone", even with the cod police sirens and bullhorn announcement, which lets face we've all heard a thousand times before bangs along in a spikey pogoing way with its shouty chorus, think MICHAEL MUNROE crossed with GREEN DAY, even a bit of a poppier take at a CLASH like Reggie riff. "Clash In The Night" is a bit lightweight Pop Punk for my tastes.

"Look Of Lies" has a feel of the brit take of sleezy, dirty rock the DOGS or many such band were peddling in the early 80s, and nothin' wrong with that. "Hallucinations" has a Rockabilly Punk swagger about it, and is as cool as fuck, even if you think any moment the band is going to start with the la la la la la la la bit from IGGY's "The Passenger", yes, we've heard it all before, but it don't matter, and "Devine" is a cool slab of pop.

It is quite hard to say too much about the album without repeating myself a lot.  Yes, it is a good example of the style, it isn't meant to have hidden depths, double meanings or intricate musical passages to lose your senses in, this music is supposed to be of the moment and on the edge, you don't analyze it, you enjoy it, party on, and the on to the next thing.  Don't get me wrong I really dig it, but it is wot it is, light-weight party punk, sleezy rock, dirty pop music and to.

However, "Nobody Likes A Crybaby" if the funnest 3 minuets of POISON trying to be Punks and
"Imaginary Virgin Mary" is sublime OTT pop stupid. A damn fine finish to a good time slab of music to get drunk to, stoned to, screw to, whatever floats your boat really. It isn't what it does to your head, but how if makes your undercarriage tingle.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Anthems For Misfits" Track-listing:

1. Doomsday Girls
2. Riot Zone
3. Clash In The Night
4. Look Of Lies
5. Hallucinations
6. Divine
7. Radar Eyes
8. Restless Outsider
9. Nobody Likes A Crybaby
10. Candlelight Hate Affair
11. Communication
12. Imaginary Virgin Mary

Plastic Tears Lineup:

Miqu December - Vocals
Eco Xtasy - Drums
Edu Kettunen Bass
Andy Whitewine - Guitars
Juha Pietiläinen - Guitars

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