

Ryan and Elliot Cole, two founding members of THE GRAND MAL, have created a brilliant […]
By Kacie Reilly
December 27, 2020
Wall - Wall album cover

Ryan and Elliot Cole, two founding members of THE GRAND MAL, have created a brilliant new instrumental project called WALL. Their first EP album, "Wall", is scheduled for release in January 2021. This album is comprised of four doom metal instrumental tracks and one astounding tribute to BLACK SABBATH. This album was a joint effort by WALL born from the lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Though the tracks composed by Ryan and Elliot do not have lyrics, you can feel the story that lives inside the music.

The first of these tracks is "Wrath Of The Serpent" and it quickly builds from a feedback sound into heavier drums and bass tones. This initial feel of creeping in the music sent chills up my spine in anticipation. They could have taken any direction with this track but the slow and heavy doom sound was truly the appropriate way to build into the greatness that you feel at approximately the 2 minute mark. The next song of the album is "Sonic Mass" and I can definitely say that is exactly the story the music tells. The track has a much heavier tone to it from the start, and even though there are not lyrics the instrumental expertise here makes you feel that you are in a cathedral. It's like the guitar is singing the choir songs and the bass and drums are the preaching to the masses. Truly a well composed song and probably my favorite of the album.

The third album track, "Obsidian", is much more brutal than the first two tracks, it really gives a feeling of the music guiding you through the dark. The last track I'd like to mention here is the fifth and final album track. This track is "Electric Funeral" and is the BLACK SABBATH tribute. To be honest, I was surprised by how similar Dave Oglesby, lead vocalist of THE GRAND MAL, sounded to Ozzy Osbourne. Not identical by any means, but the overall tone and feel of his voice was on point for sure. While I still far prefer the original track by BLACK SABBATH, WALL has done a fantastic job in tribute.

Overall, if you are looking for something to listen to and draw your own special conclusions from without the distraction of lyrics I recommend "Wall" by WALL. The instrumentals are wonderful, and the BLACK SABBATH tribute is one that should not be missed. I hope to hear more from the band soon!

8 / 10









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"Wall" Track-listing:

1. Wrath Of The Serpent
2. Sonic Mass
3. Obsidian
4. Legion
5. Electric Funeral

Wall Lineup:

Ryan Cole - Guitar/Bass
Elliot Cole - Drums/Percussion
Dave Oglesby - Vocals on "Electric Funeral"

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