Undying Legacies

Endangered Reign

Endangered Reign are a Power Metal from the Midwest of the U.S.A. (well, pretty close […]
By Ian Kaatz
December 28, 2005
Endangered Reign - Undying Legacies album cover

Endangered Reign are a Power Metal from the Midwest of the U.S.A. (well, pretty close to the Midwest), which is a very uncommon thing, so I was more than happy to review their album. They mix in influences from Symphorce, Tad Morose and Savatage. Let's dig into the latest release from these almost Midwesterners.
Endangered Reign began in the early 90's and were somehow able to get through that awful Grunge era... Finally in 2000 they were able to get into the studio to record their debut album Fallen Breeze. Now they most recently released Undying Legacies and that pretty much brings us up to speed.
To me the tracks on this album kind of blend together not a whole lot but somewhat for sure. It honestly took me a couple of listens to really get into this album but now that I have, I can decipher them. I guess this album is just one of those albums that you have to listen to a couple of times. Definitely the highlight track from the album is Endless Maze. The music is truly awesome. The vocals for the whole album could sound a lot better but the music on this particular is pretty catchy and pretty powerful. The bass has a nice thick sound and the guitar shreds fairly well. Now the average listener probably wouldn't hear this; like I said earlier it takes some listens to really grasp this release.
Endangered Reign is a good Power Metal band, not a spectacular one. I do however see potential in them. I look forward to listening to their next album, to see how this band evolves.

5 / 10


"Undying Legacies" Track-listing:

Endless Maze
Unborn Legacies
Desert Island
Silent Train
Temple Of Reason
In Due Time
Andean Gryphus

Endangered Reign Lineup:

Brain Newman - Guitar & Backing Vocals
Marc Ridenour - Guitars & Lead Vocals
Karl Seitz - Bass & Drums

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