

Dreamtale is a Power Metal band from Finland. They touch every base of their genre […]
By Amy La Salla
August 1, 2005
Dreamtale - Difference album cover

Dreamtale is a Power Metal band from Finland. They touch every base of their genre but lack a certain passion. It's a pleasant listen but by no means outstanding.
Dreamtale's first album, Beyond Reality, came out in 2002. The following year they put out Ocean's Heart and released Difference in 2005. Shortly after that Esa Orjatsalo left the band. I have heard that it was not a bitter parting, he just felt it was time to move on.
My favorite part of Dreamtale is their singer.  His voice is strong and unusual. He can get decently aggressive and burst into a surprising polished croon. The other members playing are, more or less, of the same quality. Dreamtale makes me think of what it would sound like if Lethal's musicians relaxed a bit and teamed up with Ian Astbury of The Cult.
None of the music is bad but I could do with a few more standout songs. The keyboard and guitarwork trade the spotlight in traditional Power Metal fashion and there is some good use of the flute. I hear classical influence in some of the songs, most particularly the Baroque sound of Wings Of Icaros, which by the way, is one of my favorite songs on this album. My favorite is Mirror because of its acoustic melancholy. New Life is my third favorite. It is an uplifting tune, perfect to cheer you up on a bad day.

5 / 10


"Difference" Track-listing:

Lost Souls
Wings of Icaros
New Life
Lucid Times
World's Child
Sail Away
Secret Door
We Are One
Green Fields

Dreamtale Lineup:

Jarkko Ahola - Vocals & Guitars
Rami Kerδnen - Guitar & Backing Vocals
Esa Orjatsalo - Guitar
Pasi Ristolainen - Bass & Guitar
Turkka Vuorinen - Keyboards
Pete Rosenbom - Drums

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