Twilight Of Destiny

China Blue

Thankfully, here comes an album I bow again to Tony Mills' singing. Not a fan […]
By Grigoris Chronis
December 14, 2008
China Blue - Twilight Of Destiny album cover

Thankfully, here comes an album I bow again to Tony Mills' singing. Not a fan of his works with today's TNT but a 'core' lover of his SHY days, this project popped up nearly outta nowhere and for AOR lovers - and JOURNEY fans, in specific - Twilight Of Destiny will possibly etch a deep mark making CHINA BLUE a band to recall. Let's, yet, clear out some things out regarding the man behind this band.
First of all, Twilight Of Destiny is an album Mills is just singing. The basis for CHINA BLUE was shaped in the late 80s by Eric Ragno (TAKARA/VOX TEMPUS/Ted Poley/Danny Vaughn/David Readman/Jack Frost). Eric's deeds with all the aforementioned bands/artists would not leave him much space to complete ideas he had all these years for a more AOR-orientated project. Fortunately enough, Eric rolled the dice and here we have a collaboration featuring a couple of other interesting names, too, in the appearance of Josh Ramos (HARDLINE, THE STORM, TWO FIRES), Ron Smith (XENON) and Pete Newdeck (EDEN'S CURSE).
Twilight Of Destiny is an album full of keyboards, holding an AOR flag with a little bit of Pomp Rock (thing of STYX or ANGEL) also. The guitars do hold a second poll position but - nonetheless - Ramos is the man you'll listen to by any means; hence, the solos and licks/fills are (again) what you'd just fancy. The rhythm section fits like a glove and - last, but not least! - Tony Mills unveils his unique voice far and wide and pushes further up the (anyway) notable compositions. What Do You Need But Love, Changing Ways, Movin' On and Take Me As I Am will probably send shivers down your spine if a SHY or JOURNEY or VALENTINE devotee.
The production is not as 'retro' as you may imagine, but that does not mean - in case - we have some drawback here. In a more fat sound bringing on the artists' dynamics, Twilight Of Destiny is an album worth giving a chance, no question. Better than enough of the Frontiers catalogue, to be more precise.

7 / 10


"Twilight Of Destiny" Track-listing:

What Do You Need But Love
I Feel Like Dying
Changing Ways
So Wrong
Don't Be A Stranger
Crimes (Of Passion)
Movin' On
Twilight Of Destiny
Take Me As I Am
A Last Goodbye

China Blue Lineup:

Tony Mills - Vocals
Josh Ramos - Lead Guitars
Eric Ragno - Keyboards
Ronny Smith - Rhythm Guitars
Doug Odell - Bass
Zane Petersen - Drums
Fabrizio Grossi - Bass (Guest)
Pete Newdeck - Drums (Guest)

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