Brand New Sin

Brand New Sin

Brand New Sin will rock you like a hurricane. Yes, that's right. What we got […]
By Makis Kirkos
June 21, 2002
Brand New Sin - Brand New Sin album cover

Brand New Sin will rock you like a hurricane. Yes, that's right. What we got here is a mesh of talents and backgrounds only to be compared to those of C.O.C. , Guns 'N' Roses e.t.c. Brand New Sin's debut self titled album is the next big thing coming into hard rock. Let me explain why...
Solid, catchy songs, stoner metal-esque, Pantera-edged rockers to full-blown. Raging drum and bass riffs strike immediately not even giving time to get the iron hot. Oversized vocals entrap your soul with melody and skill while listening the tracks. Vocalist, Joe Altier, at times sounds almost exactly like Phil from Pantera.
The band is super tight, and shows a maturity usually only found in bands that have been around for 15 or so years. Every song seems to move from a different time period into a different genre at the drop of a hat. You get some sludge then propelled into progressive rock then warped into metal fury. Finally a band that has talent and hopefully can take GodSmack off the fucking radio for something worth playing!
The one thing that makes Brand New Sin different from the other bands I compared them to earlier, is that somehow, the songs seem more accessible. These songs are instant pleasers, there's no need to warn up to them, or let them grow on you... one spin, and Brand New Sin will own your ass!
Brand New Sin begins a transition of 70's acid guitars then into melodic chorus note after note. Wonderful harmonics with the guitars, grasping for the right tempo, the bass adds the foundation rolling and strumming to an amazing melody with the classic chorus.
Honestly I cannot find a bad thing to say about this album! If you were a fan of Sevendust, after giving this a little listen you will be saying Sevendust who? These guys are well worth the cost of the album, a show ticket and some merchandise. Support Brand New Sin cause they have the heart and the talent above all these other posers.

8 / 10


"Brand New Sin" Track-listing:

Broken Soul
My World
Desperate Times Desperate Means
Sad Wings
The Oath
Missin You
Did You?
Judgement Day

Brand New Sin Lineup:

Joe Altier - Lead Vocals
Slider - Guitar & Vocals
Chuck Kahl - Bass
Kris Wiechmann - Guitar
Ken Dunham - Guitar
Mike Rafferty - Drums

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