
As You Drown

AS YOU DROWN was formed in Sweden in the winter of 2003 under the name […]
By Elina Papadoyianni
August 7, 2009
As You Drown - Reflection album cover

AS YOU DROWN was formed in Sweden in the winter of 2003 under the name of ETHEREAL when most of the band were still around 17 years old. The band then consisted of Mikael Akerstrom, Simon Exner, Martin Latvala and Alexander Persson. Two demos were recorded the first couple of years, mainly for their fans and for the band's own amusement and they both received positive response from the audience. Lots of shows were played, supporting acts such as ENTOMBED and VADER.
After trying out several vocalists, the band ended up with ex-SHADOWBUILDER vocalist Henrik Blomqvist and released their first self produced album with the title Reflection.  They were so pleased with the result of the production that they created their own recording studio.
Let me be honest about this release. It's nothing you haven't heard in the past, over and over again, especially if you're a fan of the extreme sides of metal. You'll recognize parts of all kinds of famous bands such as BEHEMOTH, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DECAPITATED or as they proclaim, JOB FOR A COWBOY.
If you are in search for something original then you might as well go ahead and look elsewhere. This is a release for people who just want to listen to something they are familiar with and don't want any surprises. It's not bad, it's just something that won't stay around in your CD player for more than a few listening sessions.
It's a highly professional release. All properly executed, the production to the guys' credit has very high standards and I really liked the artwork.

7 / 10


"Reflection" Track-listing:

Ruins And Dead Ends
What Is Worst
Driven By Hatred
The Last
Open Wound Salvation

As You Drown Lineup:

Henrik Blomqvist - Vocals
Mikael Akerstrom - Guitar
Simon Exner - Guitar
Martin Latvala - Drums
Robert Karlsson - Bass

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