

Starting as the project of Torsten  Hirsch (ex-NOCTE OBDUCTA vocalist) and then continuing as a […]
By Eirini Papadopoulou
November 16, 2008
Agrypnie - Exit album cover

Starting as the project of Torsten  Hirsch (ex-NOCTE OBDUCTA vocalist) and then continuing as a band, AGRYPNIE  released  a full length album entitled F51,4 in 2006. Exit is the second album for this German avant-garde Black  Metal act.
Leaving aside the programming drums and recruiting live musicians from bands like AUTUMN BLAZE, PAUL DI'ANNO and RISING HATE, this sequel comes with a more organic sound. Alternating from the sounds of acoustic guitar to raw Black Metal riffs and more elaborate technical moments, Exit  can be characterized as a modern Black Metal album, and I could say that stylistically this CD moves towards the OPETH direction as well as the older ULVER releases. All the lyrics are in German and the sound of the album is blended with symphonic, melodic moments making it more progressive with gothic and even german folk-like tunes. Torsten's vocalisms and screams are really outstanding and give the album its distinct hollow flavor and atmosphere.
Rhythm changes rapidly and many times throughout each piece. The drumming is also remarkable in this album, moving from syncopated rhythms to furious blast beats. Even though I would not like to characterize the whole release just by one song, Mauern - the opening track - is a killer! It pretty much includes everything that Exit  is about.
Complex yet minimal in parts, melodic and artful, Exit  is a must have for every avant-garde Black Metal fan!

8 / 10


"Exit" Track-listing:

Die Last Der Erinnerung
Fenster Zum Hof
Wahrend Du Schlafst
In Den Weiten

Agrypnie Lineup:

Torsten Hirsch - Vocals
Andreas Ballnuss - Guitar
Domenik Papaemmanuil- Guitar
Carsten Pinkle - Bass
Rene Schott - Drums

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