

MELLOWTOY are an Italian modern metal band. They have combined a number of heavy metal […]
By Megan McMillan
January 6, 2015
Mellowtoy - Lies album cover

MELLOWTOY are an Italian modern metal band. They have combined a number of heavy metal subgenres such as melodic metal and hardcore and have ended up with has created a dark, gritty sound. Because of this, the band has a much wider range of appeal than say more niche metal bands such as those who play only Thrash or Death Metal. The album art work displays the darkness of their music really well. And when you look at the titles of the songs for the first time it suggests a twisted narrative in the songs.

The band's latest offering, Lies, has a consistent explosive energy that keeps the music exciting and engaging for the listener. The punchy, machine gun drums have a massive part to do with keeping that energy alive. The drums also really compliments the distorted, industrial guitar and makes the music a lot heavier. In terms of vocals they are a blend of powerful screaming and beautiful harmonies. The screaming vocals are really key to adding an element of anger to the music.

However, Mellowtoy have also incorporporated relaxing melodies and catchy hooks that contrast the anger. Specifically in songs like "Fade Promises" that has one of the most memorable guitar lines in the entire album. In some places you often forget that you are listening to a metal band because the melodies are so significant and is reminiscent of bands within the alternative genre. This alone makes MELLOWTOY different from other metal bands. It seems as though nowadays metal bands have been refined into two groups and they either have an extreme sound or are gentle and comprised. Too much of one thing can get really tiresome sometimes and it's great to have a band like MELLOWTOY who have got the balance of these sounds just right.

8 / 10


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"Lies" Track-listing:

1. Nitro DK
2. Lies
3. Visions
4. Destroy yourself
5. Reflections
6. Dead colours
7. Faded promises
8. Chain reaction
9. Humans are a plague on earth
10. A letter from the past
11. Bright new world
12. S.A.T.A.N

Mellowtoy Lineup:

Emiliano Camellini - Vocals
Matt Massa - Vocals
Titta Morgatina - Guitar
Diego Cavalloti - Guitar
Matteo Camellini - Drums
Alessandro Piccinelli - Bass

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