

BALAM is a five piece Doom Metal act from the US, from Rhode Island more specifically, […]
By Daniel Silva
May 13, 2013
Balam - Self-Titled album cover

BALAM is a five piece Doom Metal act from the US, from Rhode Island more specifically, and this self-titled demo is their first release as a band. The first thing I think is worth mentioning is the production, which feels as though coming straight from a studio album and not just a demo, so good it is, the only thing I didn't like was the vocals that are buried in the sound of the instruments.

The demo is composed of three songs, "The Followed", with its feedback overdriven intro that leads into a haunting song, "Soul Scour", which revolves around a basic bass pattern that soon is followed by the rest of the instruments, and "Dark Door", that tells the story of a man screwing Satan's wife behind his back, that together run for thirty minutes.

Although having a Stoner / Sludge quality, but fortunately not enough to ruin the demo, BALAM is a band worth checking out.

7 / 10


"Self-Titled" Track-listing:

1. The Followed
2. Soul Scour
3. Dark Door

Balam Lineup:

Nick Arruda - Bass
Zigmond Coffey - Drums
Zack Wilding  - Guitars
Jonathan Janis - Guitars
Alexander Carellas - Vocals

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