Conquer The World

Mystery Blue

I had the opportunity to take a closer look on work of the Heavy Metal […]
By Katarzyna Zakolska
January 14, 2013
Mystery Blue - Conquer The World album cover

I had the opportunity to take a closer look on work of the Heavy Metal band MYSTERY BLUE from France. This French quartet consists of the female singer Nathalie Geyer, guitarist Frenzy Philippon, bassist Matt Gabnai and drummer Vince Koehler. "Conquer The World" was released just at the end of 2012 and this is their seventh studio album. The surprising thing is that this band has been running since 1982 with Frenzy Philippon as the sole founder left in the lineup.

The titled track "Conquer The World" has in it fast and well played drums tight with the bass along with melodic guitars charged up for battle.Geyer's vocals sound really nice on chorus, which is melodic and memorable. This is my favorite song of the entire tracklist. Also I recommend "Ticket To Hell" that begins with pulsate drums and strong guitars. For some reason that title of the track reminded me of the AC/DC hit"Highway to Hell", but these massive guitars and memorable melodic chorus retold of why Heavy Metal is the most beautiful of all. Geyer proves that her voice is nice to listen to.

The hard guitars and very harmonious chorus is on display on "Cruel Obession" are amazing. Elements of JUDAS PRIEST and and high pitched PRIMAL FEAR shrieks are also evident. Melodious sound of pure Heavy Metal is also showcased on "Innocent Crime". Biting guitars and great working rhythm unit of drums & bass provides power to "Evil Spell".Andreas Babuschkin of PARAGON is special guest vocals on the energetic "Running With The Pack". His singing with Geyer on chorus certainly adds a piece of power and claw. The rawness of the chorus reminded me songs of PRIMAL FEAR. Also there were moments where the bass and drums during the songs appeared to be of IRON MAIDEN origin.

MYSTERY BLUE made beautiful ballad called "Keep On Dreaming" where you can find a piano and then gentler sound of drums, bass & guitars. Everything created a mood of an excellent classic ballad along with the amazing vocals. They won't allow to forget that they are playing definitive Heavy Metal. Strong guitars with machine gun drumming that will prompt about that very well. Bonus track on album is song "Accroche-Toi À Tes Reves",which is nice surprise for fans. Also there is the French version ballad "Keep On Dreaming". The same music, but I prefer it in English as it the singing rhythms played out way better.

Voices of little child and a howling wolf are listenable on "Behind Those Walls". There is also a great guitar solo. Fantastic guitars and drums is in the longest track of the album, lasts over 6 minutes "Guardian Angel". This soother song is characterized by memorable refrain singing cool and guitar solo that entranced my senses. "Road Of Despair", a bit Thrashywithmachine drumming along with bombastic guitars attacked right after the softer notes of the earlier ballad. The musician are very good and their experience is evident aside to their vast efforts on this album. Thanks to their way of playing, it is easy to see that everything was thought out. I really liked this journey with them.

MYSTERY BLUE can kick your ass & also catch your heart. "Conquer The World" is great album with a strong sound and well played compositions. Every Metalhead who likes this style of playing JUDAS PRIEST or PRIMAL FEAR will enjoy album of French heavymetalers. Surely MYSTERY BLUE at the forefront with female Nathalie Geyer will conquer your heart & soul.

8 / 10


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"Conquer The World" Track-listing:

1. Conquer The World
2. Innocent Crime
3. Running With The Pack
4. Evil Spell
5. Cruel Obession
6. Ticket To Hell
7. Keep On Dreaming
8. Road Of Despair
9. Behind Those Walls
10. Guardian Angel
11. Accroche-Toi À Tes Reves

Mystery Blue Lineup:

Nathalie Geyer - Lead Vocals
Frenzy Philippon - Guitars
Matt Gabnai - Bass
Vince Koehler - Drums 

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