

They are not sticking the tried-and-true formula of Power Metal, they go out of the beaten path to forge (pun intended) a hodgepodge of different elements. This is a much more mature approach to establish for such a young band, finally a band taking the reins of the American Power Metal into the future.
March 21, 2025

ADAMANTIS is a Power Metal band from Brighton, Massachusetts. They were formed back in 2016 and released an EP in 2018 called ‘’Thundermark’’. This is their second full-length album to showcase Jeff Stark, who replaced the departing Rob Healey. Since the independent release of ‘’Far Flung Realm’’, there has been another shuffle in their lineup for their label debut. I was impressed by the quality of the production for such a new band on the scene. It’s funny how far the production has gone from the early 80’s to nowadays. The technology has evolved so much that you can equip yourself with the right equipment and be able to do a great job. You obviously need some skills beforehand, but it always impresses me the time and effort from these more unknown bands out there.

You can hear the obvious influences of European Power but what was the most surprising to me is the different styles they have portrayed on this album compared to their first full-length release. They are not sticking the tried-and-true formula of Power Metal, they go out of the beaten path to forge (pun intended) a hodgepodge of different elements. This is a much more mature approach to establish for such a young band. ‘’Ride for Ruin’’ has some Thrash Metal elements at the beginning but turns to a pure Power Metal gem, powerful yet anthemic. You start off the album the right way and the added guitar work by the legendary NEVERMORE axeman ‘’Jeff Loomis’’. The vocalist has this surprising suitable style that really fits right with the tightness of the music. This really reminded of early HAMMERFALL, the days of ‘’The Metal Age’’ and the renaissance of the genre as a whole.

‘’Steelclad’’ is probably the song that represents the band as a whole. It has the catchy chorus, the everpresent energy associated with the Power Metal and a killer vocalist. You have a drummer capable of setting the tone, great guitar melodies and solos, soaring vocals and a huge sing-along chorus that always bring a smile to your face. That’s what Power Metal provides to the fan, a sense of happiness in a sense. If you love the ‘’Matt Barlow’’ ear of ICED EARTH, this one is for you and I will speak again about ICED EARTH later on this review to join past and future of American Power Metal…‘’The Sailor on the Seas of Fate’’ has this early IRON MAIDEN sound about it, a mix of ‘’The Number of the Beast’’ and the Paul Dianno led two first killer albums. They bring forth the NWOBHM with something not overly complicated yet uber effective. It has the epic sound and length of the early IRON MAIDEN classics and I felt it was a nice change of pace after ‘’Reforged’’ that has the mark of European Power Metal all over it and diversifying their sound really kept my attention throughout this album.

Finishing up the album is the longest song off the album, which is ‘’Gates of Miklagard’’. Channeling their inner mid 90’s SCORPIONS with one hell of an intro, very reminiscent of the excellent ‘’Alien Nation’’ song which I absolutely adore. I love when a band combines fierce aggression and the first traces of theatricality, as is the case in the massive ending sequence. It really manages to wrap up all the elements of ADAMANTIS’ style as well, with fierce semi-thrash riffs, balladesque sections and a particularly climactic chorus following each other seemlessly, though it could have used a shorter middle section. To be fair, let’s get this out of the way up front, ADAMANTIS are not the most original band out there, the music is your standard True Heavy/Power Metal and you will have the obvious comparisons to band like STRATOVARIUS, early HELLOWEEN, GAMMA RAY, STEEL PROPHET and many of the main bands in the twilight of the genre. They seem to be more straightforward and did infuse a lot of the European Power Metal bands but with the broad attitude of American Power Metal like JAG PANZER or SEVEN WITCHES. They were obviously influenced by both sides of the spectrum.

But no matter how you cut it, Power Metal bands, at least the best Power bands out there, have the ability to unite the different fans who will sing along to their catchy songs and crunchy solos. ADAMANTIS definitely falls into that category, they really transported me to the time that Power Metal was at the forefront of Metal music. Obviously, when you compare this opus to their first independent release, the band has decided to bring forth a bit of everything and that’s what you want, you do not want interchangeable songs like a whole lot of bands out there. You don’t get bored at all even though it’s not the most original material out there. They keep you attention and with the demise and dissolution of ICED EARTH and a stagnant American Power Metal scene, I wholeheartedly believe these guys are ready to take the reins. This album proves without a doubt the potential they have and blossoming talent like that is a welcome sight. It was time to find some band that could get the genre out of this rut and take it to another level of respect and admiration worldwide.

8 / 10









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"Reforged" Track-listing:

1. Ride for Ruin

2. Steelclad

3. Funeral for a King

4. Reforged

5. The Sailor on the Seas of Fate

6. Time of Contempt

7. Gates of Miklagard

8. Fall of Asteria (Bonus Track)

Adamantis Lineup:

Jeff Stark – Vocals

Vance Simmons – Guitars

Javier Estrada – Guitars

Alex Scofield – Bass

Evgeny Gromovoy  – Drums

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