Loathing and the Noose

Brand-new band for me, never heard of them before. Faithxtractor should be death metal, they come from U.S.A. and I guess that I'm in for a U.S. death metal lesson. I could not be more wrong, of course a lot of riffs, but also heavy. And a big surprise, they have some black metal influences. The first track "Noose of Being" is really hard to place one genre, I hear some old school death metal, a bit thrash, but also a lot of black metal, the sound production, for example is more black, than death metal. They give me a bit of Necrophobic hints.
I don't go track by track, but next one, that also has something special is "Fever Dream Litanies" (Slayer solo) and to my big surprise, Marduk and their Opus Nocturne album…the drums the patterns are so close. "Flooded Tombs" is like old school death/thrash metal Possessed, and Seven Churches comes to mind.
Yes, comes to mind because Faithxtractor has really their own thing going on. The track "Ethos Moribund" is actually like go back in time, take some Kreator add Entombed and press GO. No mercy on this track, and I really like it. "Caveats" also a strong track, has more doom to it. I think this track will grow with time. The last track, "Cerecloth Vision Veil" is also a more doom track, but has surprises. This album has a lot of rhythm changes, wild solos and a lot of surprises, almost a bit prog, there are so many genres that can be heard, and they handle it all so well. Faithxtractor is a band, that fit bot U.S.A. Latin America, and Europe. The diversity this album has, is not something you hear every day. This is what I want to hear on Party.San Metal Open Air, they should really fit.
8 / 10

"Loathing and the Noose" Track-listing:
1. Noose of Being
2. The Loathing
3. Fever Dream Litanies
4. Flooded Tombs
5. Ethos Moribund
6. Caveats
7. Beholden to the Nightmare
8. Cerecloth Vision Veil
Faithxtractor Lineup:
Ash Thomas - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Drums
Zdenka Prado - Bass
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