The Harrow of the Lost


The album is rich, aggressive, and also brimming with hope from the melody. The band seems to have exceeded that balance with complex songwriting that doesn’t take away the listener’s ability to soak it in. This was an excellent album.
March 13, 2025

AHAMKARA is a Black Metal band formed in the UK in 2012. Their debut album came in 2014, and it’s been 11 years now since they are releasing their sophomore album here. “The Circle of Remembrance” is first, and it begins wit soft, gentle tones, and the stirring of the wind in the background. The main riff is crunchy, and somber, and the vocals are scratchy screams. There is a good deal of melody mixed in the aggression as well. In fact, the mix is perfect in that regard. “Our Scars Shall Abide in the Thaw” also begins with clean, light tones, and a dose of more somber melodies. The transition to distortion doesn’t leave the melody behind, it continues to embrace it. Some darkness creeps in as the song shifts a bit, but so far, these transitions are done very well. The constant push and pull suggest that these guys are seasoned songwriters.

“Channelling Grief” is another lengthy offering, but this time, it begins with darkness from a seemingly approaching storm. It’s aggressive and firm, but melody isn’t left behind, and there are many layers to explore. “Ordeal of Ascension” closes the album, and they might have saved the darkest and most ominous song for last. Still, with every hardened element comes one with muted melody. They keep them in the background for the most part, but when the blackness seems to overcome you, the melody pulls you back to safety. This is complicated music, but also quite accessible. Overall, the album is rich, aggressive, and also brimming with hope from the melody. The band seems to have exceeded that balance with complex songwriting that doesn’t take away the listener’s ability to soak it in. This was an excellent album.

8 / 10









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"The Harrow of the Lost" Track-listing:

1. The Circle of Remembrance

2. Our Scars Shall Abide in the Thaw

3. Channelling Grief

4. Ordeal of Ascension


Ahamkara Lineup:

Michael Blenkarn – Guitars, Keyboards, Programming, Vocals

Austin Lunn – Drums

Alexandra Blenkarn-Durning – Keyboards, Effects


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