The Redeemers Festering Carcass


The Redeemer’s Festering Carcass will be released by Iron Bonehead on March 21st, on LP […]
March 11, 2025

The Redeemer’s Festering Carcass will be released by Iron Bonehead on March 21st, on LP and CD formats. Gryla is a Norwegian black metal band. And I mean, the really, early ages of black metal, Mayhem's Deathcrush (1987) comes to mind, Gorgoroth and the album Pentagram (1994), and KVIST more melodic Black Metal is also there. But to take Gryla for a wannabe Mayhem band is very wrong. Gryla really does his own thing. The sound on the guitars are punk, early black metal and the distortion on the guitars have that sound.

The first track on this album "The Redeemer's Festering Carcass pt 1" is like playing my black metal tapes from the late 80s to early 90s. The track goes from furious to melodic, and get my attention right away. And it's more pure screams than the later 90s black metal voice. "The Redeemer's Festering Carcass pt 1" is not an easy track, it really twists and turns, and I like it, a bit of a challenge. "The Redeemer's Festering Carcass pt 2" is another track that keeps you busy, if you are in to these kinds of Old School Black Metal, you really will like it. You have that ... Lo-Fi feeling, but it doesn't become too much. And I am impressed by the skills, there is a lot going on. It's pretty cool when a band, goes in mid-pace tempo for a pretty long time, change rhythm and goes melodic.

I go a little track by track, and "Banners Soaked in Crimson Essence" this band has a lot of melodies that comes and go, I guess, once you heard this band, you will recognize it very fast. "Imposer" is not like the others track, starts a bit of death metal in a way, has a bit of growl. But of course the music is as the same as before."Imposer" is a more calm track, if you go by bpm, but it has something wild over it. Carnal Beast" also has that special personality, this album will not fit everybody. Sure, you can be into thrash metal and enjoy this. First wave black, and hardcore black metal fan. But even if you like black metal, you might find this a bit out of the box. Cause this band, doesn't care about trends.

The last track on the album "Spewing Fecal Abjurations" is the oddest, and it makes me wonder, is Torbjørn Kirby Torbo, the man behind Gryla, way more talented than he wants us to think. The whole album, when you really listen, is so well done. And some stuff, done with bass and guitar, is advanced. Iron Bonehead seems to know what they are doing, and actually understand the music.

8 / 10









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"The Redeemers Festering Carcass" Track-listing:

1. The Redeemer's Festering Carcass Pt 1
2. The Redeemer's Festering Carcass Pt 2
3. Banners Soaked in Crimson Essence
4. Imposer
5. Carnal Beast
6. Spewing Fecal Abjurations

Gryla Lineup:

Torbjørn Kirby Torbo - Everything

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