Becoming The Enemy


Trishula are a British Melodic Hard Rock Band which were formed by guitarist, vocalist and […]
March 10, 2025

Trishula are a British Melodic Hard Rock Band which were formed by guitarist, vocalist and composer Neil Fraser (Ten/Rage Of Angels & Tony Mills).Trishula's line up is completed with Jason Morgan (Rage Of Angels) on vocals, Rick Benton (Magnum) on keyboards, Dan Clark (Rebecca Downes Band) and finally Neil Ogden (Demon) on drums. ”Becoming The Enemy” is the fourth album, with this been the first album for Pride & Joy Music their new record label. With a wealth of experience between them all the right ingredients are there to make a great British Hard Rock Melodic album that will wet the appetite of all those Melodic Rock fans in 2025.Production, mixing and mastering duties for this album was carried out by Sheena Sear.

Starting the albums opener with a melodic guitar intro “Wardance (Long Live The Rising)” is an anthemic & bold track which melodically flows great melody & vocals with a catchy chorus with great harmonies. This sets the tone for the album, it's an album full of AOR/Melodic Rock British style “Will Heaven Ever Give Us What We Need” just flows effortlessly Jason Morgan with some smooth vocals, Neil Fraser with some great guitar runs and solo. ”When I Gave You Everything” has nice key and piano touches from Rick Benton which make the track dramatic. ”Garden Of Eden” is one of the stand out tracks on the album its intense with a sense of positivity along with the catchy melody & chorus combined make a great AOR track.

"The Long Goodbye” is mellow in parts, made dramatic in each others thanks to the guitar injection and mellow key chords. ”You're My Detonation” sees Trishula go all out with a great British style Hard Rock track Neil Ogden and Dan Clark delivering great rhythm with the guitars and keys giving the track that rock n' roll vibe which reminds me of Thunder & Little Angels. ”Here Comes The Night” & “ Wait For The Minute” turns back to those melodic roots there is some fantastic harmonizing within the choruses that along with the vocals just sound so superb making great earworm Melodic Rock. ”Down, Down, Down” is just as catchy as previous tracks Neil Fraser lets rip with an exquisite guitar solo. “Hold My Hand” concludes the album, an emotional soulful Melodic ballad Jason Morgan's soaring vocals with the rest of band bringing their A game to make this track an epic ending to this album.

Trishula “Becoming The Enemy” is just simply a brilliant album from start to finish. The band have excelled due to their musical experience which truly shines through in the tracks on this album. We have an extensive list of great UK bands in this genre and Trishula need to be added to that list without hesitation. This album is a must album for 2025,definitely worth a purchase absolutely superb album.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"Becoming The Enemy" Track-listing:

1.Wardance (Long Live The Rising)

2.Will Heaven Ever Give Us What We Need

3.When I Gave You Everything

4.The Walls of Eden

5.The Long Goodbye

6.You're My Detonation

7.Here Comes The Night

8.Wait For The Minute


10.Hold My Hand

Trishula Lineup:

Jason Morgan – Vocals

Neil Fraser – Guitar

Rick Benton – Keyboards

Dan Clark – Bass

Neil Ogden – Drums

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