Eternal Roar of the Thunder and Rain

All that I could find about the band is a dedication followed by Robert Frost poem on their Bandcamp page that reads: “Eternally dedicated to my Father and Vasiliki. But if I had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate, to say that for destruction ice, is also great, and would suffice.” The album has five songs, and the title track is first; a sixteen-minute opus. It has a slow build in the background…first wind, then light rain, they ominous tom strikes. The main riff enters just before the three-minute mark, and it is heavy, and somber. Just before the seven-minute mark, the pace picks up, and aggressive vocals rear their ugly head. It finally takes a pause around 11 minutes, and slows to acoustic tones that are weighted with sorrow, but the heavy sound returns.
“Call of the Specter” enters with a good deal of weight, and is followed by a steady and somber sound both in the vocals and the music. For me, it’s sort of a cross between Doom and Black Metal. “A Hymn for the Harvest” has that thick Black Metal sound in the guitars, and the harsh vocals drip with an overwhelming sense of regret, and loss. The somber tones morph to anger at times, but remain strongest in the song. “Blood of our Fathers” is another lengthy offering, and throughout it, you will hear tender moments, sad moments, and aggressive moments. Their transitions in and out of these various passages are well done, and the somber tones drag out for what seems like weeks.
“Eleusis” is the final song, at just under three minutes. After the dreadful and horrid sounds of the previous four songs, it’s a fitting acoustical closer. Overall, this was an excellent album. Their combination of Doom and Black Metal descended on you like an ominous storm, blotting out the sun, and soaking you to the bone. The frigid winds that followed were paralyzing, and kept you from getting back up again.
8 / 10

"Eternal Roar of the Thunder and Rain" Track-listing:
1. Eternal Roar of the Thunder and Rain
2. Call of the Specter
3. A Hymn for the Harvest
4. Blood of Our Fathers
5. Eleusis
Malacath Lineup:
Lykos – Guitar, Bass, Vocals
Hiraeth – Drums
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