Violence Prevails


Violence Prevails” is a very good Thrash Metal album and in particular old school fans will love what they hear
March 18, 2025

CHEMICIDE hailing from San Jose, Costa Rica were formed in 2008. The Thrash Metal band released one EP and four full-length albums so far. Their fifth release was mixed and mastered by Martin Furia (BARK; DESTRUCTION; NERVOSA). It has a length of about 38 minutes, and it was released via French label Listenable Records, which has many Black, Death, and Thrash Metal bands among their current roster. The album starts with powerful guitar riffs and crunching basslines to open “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” with an extended instrumental part leading into the fast verse part with tight Thrash Metal riffs and strong basslines. The vocals are harsh and vary around the medium end of the vocal range. It is a very aggressive and direct track, which comes straight to the point without a lot of technicalities. Also, the tempo hardly changes with the only exception during the break for the lead guitar solo. The solo is fast for most of the time followed by a mid-tempo part. Altogether it is a very good opening album track. “Red Giant” is a mixture of mid-tempo verse parts and fast chorus parts. The guitar riffing is very direct and the aggression level from the opening track is maintained. The break starts abruptly at a measured tempo with thunderous riffs, and it takes some time before the lead guitar solo starts at crazy pace. From then onwards, the track keeps it going with the insanity in pace. The lead guitar solo is very contributing and the highlight of the song.

Systemic Decay” starts with an extended instrumental part driven by the guitars with the addition of female spoken words. The track transitions into a mid-tempo track with powerful guitar riffs and crushing basslines. The chorus part slows a bit down and there are backing vocals added to the track performed by Eric Oses Fernandez. The break introduces chaos, insanity, and pace for the lead guitar solo and the track never returns to the mid-tempo. Parasite” starts with a short instrumental part, leading into a verse part, driven by the vocals and thunderous guitar riffs. It sounds almost like a duet of guitars and vocals at times. It is a very aggressive song at measured tempo with a melodic framework that has a few oriental vibes occasionally. While “Parasite” is a change in sound, the title track returns to the old school Thrash Metal attack at insane pace from the first to the last note before the break. The guitar riffing is flesh-ripping, the basslines are crushing, and the vocals are very aggressive. The break starts with an abrupt change in tempo and with a SLAYER-esque introduction to the lead guitar solo at blistering pace. “Violence Prevails” is the highlight of the album and it has been released as video with the YouTube link provided below. “Prey Of Failure” is introduced, once again, by a guitar and bass-driven intro leading to the verse part at a measured tempo and somehow stomping rhythm. The guitar riffing is punishing, and the strong basslines drive the track forward. Highlight of the track is the extended and very contributing lead guitar solo.

Chokehold” goes back to the well-tried Thrash attack at crazy pace. The song is direct and very aggressive with tight guitar riffing and without any changes in tempo and rhythm. It is the simplicity that makes “Chokehold” to a great Thrash song. The chorus parts include the backing vocals, and they almost have a few Hardcore vibes. “Scalped” starts with an extended introduction and the acoustic guitars, before the track transitions stepwise into another fast banger. The guitar riffs are flesh-ripping again and very direct, the basslines are crunching, and the vocals keep the chaos well together. The insanity lasts until the break when the tempo switches to a head-banging rhythm for the track to conclude. “Scalped” was the last original track, the following three songs are covers of songs from LOS CRUDOS, METALLICA, and DISCHARGE. As far as for the cover of “72 Seasons”, I believe METALLICA could have performed the track with such a pace and intensity perhaps back in the 80s, but surely not today anymore.

CHEMICIDE deliver good old Thrash Metal as we all love it. “Violence Prevails” has pace, directness, and aggression. The guitar riffing is classical Thrash riffing and tight, the lead guitar solos are often excellent and contribute to the tracks. One very own feature of the CHEMICIDE sound are the strong basslines that are prominent in every song. The album is well produced. “Violence Prevails” is a very good Thrash Metal album and in particular old school fans will love what they hear.

8 / 10









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"Violence Prevails" Track-listing:
  1. Do As I Say, Not As I Do
  2. Red Giant
  3. Systemic Decay
  4. Parasite
  5. Violence Prevails
  6. Prey Of Failure
  7. Chokehold
  8. Scalped
  9. That’s Right, We’re That Spic Band! (LOS CRUDOS cover)
  10. 72 Seasons (METALLICA cover)
  11. Hear Nothing, Say Nothing (DISCHARGE cover)
Chemicide Lineup:

Frankie Vocals, Guitars

Sebastian Quiros Guitars

Chalo Drums

Daniel Kohkemper Bass

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