
Helevetets Port

Helevetets Port are a NWOTHM (New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal) band which come from […]
October 18, 2024

Helevetets Port are a NWOTHM (New Wave Of Traditional Heavy Metal) band which come from Gothenburg Sweden. The band released their debut album “Exodus To Hell” back in 2009 on High Roller Records. A year later the EP “Man With The Chains”. It would be nine years before they returned in 2019 with album number two “From Life To Death” before the global pandemic stopped them in their tracks like it did for all other bands, Helevetets Port did not have enough time to play shows in support of the second album, but when restrictions were finally lifted they were one of the first bands to play a live show once the restrictions were lifted.

Black Knight” the first track has my attention from the first note a great mid tempo metal track, strong guitar riffs, infectious melodies with some great energy, no nonsense straight up metal. Looking at the album cover it gives me a Mad Max, Borderlands sort of movie feel with the bands attire. ”Wasteland Warriors” I could imagine being a great track to be included in such movies another great catchy metal track fast paced, some nice deep bass riffs by Earthquake with K.Lightning and Virgin Killer giving some superb riffs & duels.”Mutant March” has an eerie feel with Witchfinder's vocal style, an epic track ,atmospheric, slower in tempo to the previous tracks, but a great NWOTHM track. “Hårdför Överman” (Tough Overman) & “Helvete På Larvfötter “ (Hell On Caterpillars Feet!) are both tracks sung in Swedish, which both have great rhythm, guitars riffs which make you stamp your feet to, or bang your head to despite not knowing the Swedish language still very catchy,, the latter having a strange name for a song, but hey that's what Google translates it to! ”Tyrants In Tokyo” for me sounds like it has a few punk elements in the melody perfectly fused together with the metal sound, some fast drums by 0.Thunder giving the track fast tempo.

”Legions Running Wild” has a nice deep bass groove from the offset giving that depth, with some gritty riffs, again catchy fast melody and chorus, ”Cry Of The Night” follows in the same vein as the previous track with some classic metal influences. ”Key To The Future” just follows on the momentum set from the first track with one of the best guitar solos on the album. ”Golden Axe” although under three minutes long is dramatic ,atmospheric ,Witchfinder delivering some more of those high vocals in places.”2049” ends the album in true metal style great energy, razor edge guitar riffs, vocal dramatics & rhythm. Helevetets Port “Warlords” was a real surprise to me. I'll be honest I didn't know what to expect when I saw the album cover and saw the band members names. But the saying “Never Judge a book by its cover” is a lesson well learnt! I had never heard of Helevetets Port prior to doing this review either, but I really enjoyed “Warlords” ,its a great NWOTHM album with some nostalgic touches & influences. The production is great, the bands sound fantastic in turn delivering a great metal album Definitely worth listening to and recommended.

8 / 10









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"Warlords" Track-listing:

1,Black Knight

2.Wasteland Warriors

3.Mutant March

4.Hårdför Överman

5.Tyrants In Tokyo

6.Legions Running Wild

7.Cry Of The Night

8.Helvete På Larvfötter

9.Key To The Future

10.Golden Axe


Helevetets Port Lineup:

Witchfinder – Lead Vocals

K.Lightning – Lead Guitar

Virgin Killer – Lead Guitar

Earthquake – Bass

0.Thunder – Drums

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