Handful of Ten

Elephant Tree

“Handful of Ten” differs from the usual oddities collection in that it offers old, variant, and new tracks, taking a look back, ahead, and askance. You might call it a 360 or even Panavision album, giving a wider perspective of this intriguing band we call ELEPHANT TREE.
October 14, 2024

ELEPHANT TREE is an often-overlooked Stoner Metal band out of London, England. They emerged on the scene a full decade ago and have since released a steady stream of full-length, splits, and live albums. In celebration of their decade-long tenure they issued a rarities collection, aptly named “A Handful of Ten,” on September 6 via Magnetic Eye Records. The six-track album includes a balance of old and new—two demos, one alternate version, and two brand new tracks—as well as balance of tempo—from fast and mid to positively Doom-laden—but always heavy. Altogether a sure treat for completionists and collectors as well as new and old fans alike.

The album starts with the band’s first demo, “Attack of the Altaica,” recorded in 2013. Fans will recognize it as being re-recorded for their debut album, “Theia.” An appropriate starting point for the collection. Next up is a new track, “Visions (Planet of Doom).” As the title suggests, the song brings on all manner of dark shades of doom. The third track, “Try,” is also a new track, but instead of staying dark and sludgy, the band inflects towards reckless and fast—well, not Thrash fast, but fast for ELEPHANT TREE.  

Having offered up a few new tricks, the band shifts its gaze back again with a 2017 demo of “Bird.” Fans will recall a version appearing on the band’s 2020 album, “Habits.”  The penultimate track is an alternate version of “Faceless” from the same album. Closing the album, the band brings us back to present with a new track, “Sunday,” another sludgy Doom track.

Curiously, “Handful of Ten” differs from the usual oddities collection in that it offers old, variant, and new tracks, taking a look back, ahead, and askance. All in all, you might call this a 360 or even Panavision album giving a wider perspective of this intriguing band we call ELEPHANT TREE.


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"Handful of Ten" Track-listing:

1. Attack Of The Altaica (2013 Demo)
2. Visions (Planet Of Doom)
3. Try
4. Bird (2017 Demo)
5. Faceless (2017 Hurin Version)
6. Sunday


Elephant Tree Lineup:

Peter Holland – Bass, Vocals

Riley MacIntyre – Sitar, Vocals

Jack Townley – Guitars, Vocals

Sam Hart – Percussion


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