To Usupr


FERAL is a Swedish death metal band that formed in 2007. Their latest album, “To […]
October 14, 2024

FERAL is a Swedish death metal band that formed in 2007. Their latest album, “To Usurp The Thrones” is their fourth full-length album; they have also released two demos, two splits, and an EP. FERAL worships the power of the almighty riff, especially if it's drenched in HM2. Forget drenched, “To Usurp The Thrones,” is absolutely drowning in OSDM. Sweden has always been the best at delivering this particular brand of devastation and FERAL embraces it well. The band isn’t afraid to slow it down and let their groovier side. In fact, some of the album’s best moments are when the band pulls back on the tempo and lets the chainsaw guitars truly resonate. Of course, even when they are playing fast as hell, it’s never mindless speed—everything about the songs are still retained and the groove never leaves.

The album is just dynamic enough to add a vibrant energetic flair to the songs that keeps them set apart from the many OSDM bands that are out there these days. One of my favorite elements of the album is just how goddamn great it sounds. The production/mix/master has been engineered to give the album a monstrous, massive sound. Death metal is, of course, played the best at its loudest and the album exemplifies that to the tenth power. Speaking of the mix, every instrument rings loud and true. Specifically,Viktor Klingstedt’s bass is very audible which is something a lot of bands of this type sometimes forgo. He’s a beast too so it’s something you’ll be happy it is heard. The vocals are neither underwhelming or overpowering—they fit right at home with everything that is going on with them. David Nilsson is a deadly vocalist with a powerful set of lungs—he growls and screams his ass off and gives quite the performance.

Markus Lindahl and Sebastian Lejon already have their fiery fingers firing off deep, steady buzzsaw grooves within seconds of the opening song “To Drain the World of Light.” Roger Markström is a one man army that beats and disintegrates each song but he compliments them extremely well; he’s definitely in tune with what’s going on and thrives in the chaos. At the 1:57 mark, a “oopm” from David sounds off the chance for the guitars/bass to rip open the song with groove for days. The drums are just as groovy and if your head isn’t banging at this part, PM me your address so I come over and slap you for being dumb. The final moments of the songs are pure aggressive speed that delivers intensity on a level that has to be heard to be believed.

The use of solos are smartly placed as well, such as in the beginning of “Deformed Mentality.” It’s a short but biting moment that sets up the rest of the band to barrel through with sterling conviction. The bass guitar is maddening on this song and feels like it could rip a hole into the universe. The first two minutes of the song rip and roar but then churn and burn as it winds down to a close, ending on some of the best riffs on the album. “The Devouring Storm,” slows the tempo down for about a minute and a half to marinate a slow grind that simmers into a boiling rage as the song moves ever closer to the finish line. But there is a melodic twist with the bass just over the halfway mark that puts a huge smile on my face. More melodic tinges appear near the end, the band as adept with incorporating it into their sound as natural as they do anything else.

The album holds up in the final half as well; check out “Phantoms of Antiquity” and that strong, power rhythm that sounds like it could hold up the universe. The vocals are particularly of note, a scorching delivery. There is a bass drop around the 1:09 mark that somehow makes the song even more heavy and it pops equally as well during the solos. “Soaked In Blood,” is a short but very focused song that is lightning fast death metal capped on both ends by deep, catchy grooves. The middle has a face melting bass moment; you’ll know when you hear it because your face will be gone.

The final song is “Stripped of Flesh,” and that’s a great title because listening to it on a good pair of headphones certainly feels like you’re being peeled down to nothing. Everything that makes the album great is represented in this final blow.…it all comes together here. FERAL’s “To Usurp The Thrones,” is a blast from beginning to end. It has everything a death metal fan could ever want and delivers it with the utmost condition. Everyone and their grandmother is playing old school death these days but are they playing it like FERAL? Probably not. Any fan of extreme metal needs this immediately!

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"To Usupr" Track-listing:
  1. To Drain the World of Light
  2. Vile Malediction
  3. Deformed Mentality
  4. Bound to the Dead
  5. The Devouring Storm
  6. Spirits Without Rest
  7. Decimated
  8. Phantoms of Antiquity 03:07
  9. Soaked in Blood
  10. Into the Ashes of History
  11. Stripped of Flesh
Feral Lineup:

Viktor Klingstedt - Bass
Sebastian Lejon - Guitars
David Nilsson - Vocals
Markus Lindahl - Guitars
Roger Markström - Drums

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