Kingdom Of Glass

Struck Down

One drop at a time.
October 14, 2024

This is going to be the shortest review you ever read. There is a band from Kent in the UK called STRUCK/DOWN. In my research I found out that the band was created around 2010 and their first release was in an EP format back in 2015. Then in 2019 they released a full album called Gone. The thing that sets this band apart from the others is that I have reviewed is that they have not released a full album since. The band seems to like to release a single song at a time, or maximum an EP and has been doing this since 2020. Sign of the times I believe.

The younger generation nowadays does not know how to enjoy all the songs of a full length album, the cover, the art, the lyrics, the credits. The good old times of spending an afternoon getting high and listening to the new MOTORHEAD or JUDAS PRIEST album. Younger generation do not know what they are missing. Despite my old man rant, I do not blame the bands that are releasing their work one drop at a time as they have to get our music out there somehow. The single song we have today to review from the band STRUCK/DOWN is called “Kingdom Of Glass” and is quite good. With their foot in the Doom/Stoner Metal , the band shows maturity with solid riffs and good musicianship overall. The singer Linden Twyman has a good voice as well as range. The sound reminds me of bands like WINERY DOGS and MILES KENNEDY but a little heavier. I believe is the cleaner vocals that reminds me of these bands. "Kingdom Of Glass" is well structured and has a solid bass and drums foundation as well as a good guitar duo with a piercing solo (Thanks Metal Gods!). There is not much information about these guys on the interwebs but they do have a clip of “Kingdom Of Glass” on the tube for you to check.

Nice song overall and I believe previous singles and the previous album are worth checking. I just wish they would release an EP so we can enjoy a number of their songs without having to look for each one of them. Maybe this is coming soon.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Kingdom Of Glass" Track-listing:

1.Kingdom Of Glass

Struck Down Lineup:

Tommy Rogers-Drums
Ian Spurrett-Guitars
Linden Twyman-Vocals
Will Mihr-Bass
Pete McLarney-Guitars

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