Solve et Coagula

Vexing Hex

VEXING HEX’s "Solve et Coagula" is a compelling musical and visual experience that takes the listener on a journey through occult rituals, cosmic wonder, and gothic horror. The first tracks alone demonstrate the band's versatility and ability to tell captivating, otherworldly stories through both sound and imagery.
October 1, 2024

VEXING HEX’s "Solve et Coagula" offers an immersive experience, blending gothic punk, new wave, and occult themes in a way that feels both retro and modern. The first tracks of the album demonstrate the band’s impressive ability to craft songs that are atmospheric, deeply symbolic, and sonically rich. From the hauntingly eerie "Into the Night" to the alchemical exploration in the title track, the band creates a tapestry of sound that draws the listener into its dark, enigmatic world. The opener, "Into the Night", feels like an invitation to cross over into the unknown. The lyrics are as captivating as they are foreboding, with repeated lines like "Say the spell, raise the knife / Plunge it down, take your life" evoking a ritualistic pull toward something sinister. The vocals carry a certain vulnerability, underscored by the powerful instrumentation that heightens the sense of stepping into the void. The track is melodic, yet unsettling, pulling the listener into the shadows where the line between life and death blurs.

"Besmirched" brings a violent shift, with its tale of corruption and decay inside a sacred space. The imagery of a plague rotting a monastery from within, set to driving guitar riffs, is visceral and raw. The chorus, "Burn down the church that you besmirched," delivers a cathartic moment of fury as the song’s energy builds to an intense crescendo. There’s a powerful interplay between the music and the lyrics, with the theme of moral and spiritual defilement woven into every note. This track’s dark energy keeps it fresh while embracing themes of destruction and purification. "One Thousand Eyes" shifts the tone, taking the listener on a cosmic journey through space and the astral plane. There’s a dreamlike quality to the song, as if it invites you to peer through a mystical telescope and witness something forbidden. The repetitive chant of “One thousand voices calling to me” feels both hypnotic and disorienting, echoing the theme of encountering something beyond human comprehension. The otherworldly sound of this track, filled with swirling guitars and distant echoes, feels like a mental odyssey where the lines between reality and fantasy blur.

"VViccaphobia" immerses the listener in gothic horror with its tale of falling under the spell of a witch. The refrain, “Under the spell of the witch,” acts as an incantation itself, capturing the inevitable descent into madness. The song builds on themes of fear and seduction, blending black magic with unsettling visuals like the transformation of a human leg into a cloven hoof. Musically, the track maintains an air of suspense, with frenzied moments that make the listener feel the chaos and loss of control that comes with being enchanted by something—or someone—you don’t understand. The title track, "Solve et Coagula," caps off this nine-song journey with a spell of its own. The phrase, rooted in alchemical tradition, represents the process of dissolving something to purify and reconstitute it into a new form. The repetition of the words "Solve et Coagula" becomes a mantra, immersing the listener in the transformational process. The instrumental composition, with its psychedelic organ and haunting melodies, conveys the dissolution of matter and spirit, giving the song an ethereal quality. It’s both an invitation and a command to submit to the cycle of creation and destruction, making it a fitting closer to this part of the album.

Beyond the music, the album’s artwork, created by the talented Brazilian artist Víctor López, enhances the mystique and depth of "Solve et Coagula". López, who had previously collaborated with "VEXING HEX" on their "Red Harvest" single, once again delivers a visually stunning and complex piece. The album cover pays homage to the surreal, psychedelic style of 70s progressive rock album covers, but with a dark, occult twist. It features a vivid oil painting of a demon suspended in a labyrinthine chemical laboratory. The demon appears to be nourished by souls from the underworld, an unsettling image that ties into the album's themes of transformation and dark forces at play. There’s a deliberate nod to heavy metal’s fantasy and occult imagery, mixed with elements of 80s horror and a nostalgic, almost cartoonish influence from the 90s and 00s. The cover art feels like a visual representation of the album’s sound: complex, layered, and steeped in mystery. It draws you into the band’s universe, where surrealism and fantasy blend seamlessly with the darker aspects of reality.

8 / 10









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"Solve et Coagula" Track-listing:
  1. Into the Night
  2. Besmirched
  3. One Thousand Eyes
  4. VViccaphobia
  5. Solve Et Coagula!
  6. Mind Funeral
  7. Poison Apple
  8. Sarcophagus
  9. Revivified
Vexing Hex Lineup:

Cadaverus - Lead vocals / guitar
Hastur - Bass / vocals
Liminos - Guitar / vocals
Radament - Vocals / drums
Viscera - Keys

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