Cremation Pyre


"PHENOCRYST’s" "Cremation Pyre" is a ferocious offering to the unyielding spirit of modern death metal. […]
September 29, 2024

"PHENOCRYST’s" "Cremation Pyre" is a ferocious offering to the unyielding spirit of modern death metal. Released amidst a wave of resurgence in the genre, this album stands out not only for its technical prowess but also for its thematic depth, exploring the harrowing concepts of mortality, decay, and existential dread. Not a bad record for their first!

From the opening track, “Pinncale of Death,” listeners are thrust into a relentless sonic onslaught. The album kicks off with an explosive blend of intricate guitar work and thunderous drumming, setting a dark and foreboding tone. The guitars, layered with both frenetic riffs and blistering melodies, create an atmosphere that is both oppressive and captivating. The production strikes a fine balance, preserving the raw energy typical of underground death metal while allowing the nuances of each instrument to shine through.

Vocalist "D.S." delivers a performance that is visceral and commanding. The guttural growls and piercing shrieks are complemented by an impressive range, effectively conveying the album's dark themes. Lyrically, "PHENOCRYST" explores complex ideas surrounding death and the human condition. Lines filled with vivid imagery evoke feelings of despair and introspection, inviting listeners to grapple with their own mortality.

Tracks like “Pyres of the Altar” and “Volcanic Winter” exemplify the band's ability to blend brutality with melody. The former features a haunting melodic passage that contrasts sharply with the blast beats and growls, creating an emotional landscape that is both chaotic and beautiful. In “Pyres of the Altar,” the tempo shifts and dynamic transitions keep the listener engaged, showcasing the band’s adeptness at weaving intricate song structures without losing the relentless intensity that defines their sound.

One of my favorite standout tracks, “Embers of an Ancient Fire,” demonstrates "PHENOCRYST’s" technical mastery. The song is a whirlwind of intricate time signatures and complex riffs, perfectly executed to create a sense of urgency. The rhythm section, particularly the drumming, is both relentless and precise, driving the song forward with an almost mechanical precision. This track serves as a great example of how "PHENOCRYST" balances technicality with emotional weight, crafting music that is not only heavy but also thought-provoking.

The album’s production plays a significant role in its impact. Engineered to preserve the raw energy of a live performance, "Cremation Pyre" has an organic feel that enhances its visceral nature. The mix allows each instrument to be heard clearly, ensuring that the listener can appreciate the intricate interplay between guitars, bass, and drums. This attention to detail elevates the listening experience, making it a captivating journey from start to finish.

As the album progresses, the relentless barrage of sound can feel overwhelming, but it is precisely this intensity that makes "Cremation Pyre" an engaging listen. "PHENOCRYST"  understands the importance of dynamics, incorporating moments of tension and release that allow for a brief respite before plunging back into chaos. This mastery of pacing keeps the listener on edge, eagerly anticipating what comes next.

8 / 10









"Cremation Pyre" Track-listing:
  1. Pinnacle of Death
  2. Astonishing Devastation
  3. Pyres of the Altar
  4. Incandescent Debris
  5. Embers of an Ancient Fire
  6. Volcanic Winter
  7. Fogo Nas Enthranhas
  8. Burial Swamps
Phenocryst Lineup:

D.S. - Guitars/Vocals

Artur - Drums

V.M. - Bass

Santana - Guitars

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