The Space Camaro EP

Dead Karma

“The Space Camaro EP” is the debut EP from Dead Karma a modern hard rock […]
September 24, 2024

The Space Camaro EP” is the debut EP from Dead Karma a modern hard rock band, who are from Kitchener, Ontario Canada were formed by Andrew Cannell (The Oracle) & Raman Kambo in 2022.Kambo departed the band in October 2022 ,the line up was completed by Jacob Jansen (Drums) and Sean Frankruyter (Bass & Vocals) .”The Space Camaro” is influenced with style & sound and song writing from bands such as Queens Of Stone Age, Tool, Mastodon and Black Sabbath.

The Purge” with an intro consisting of toll of bells, rapid gunfire an aggressive track which tells of past wars, dark and tragic events from the past. The track hits hard from the start heavy ,riffs, heavy melody with a brief deep bass solo mid track, which in turn sets off a vicious guitar solo, the vocals are of anger and despair, without doubt the heaviest track on the EP. ”Space Camaro” has all the influences Dead Karma draw their inspiration from to make that modern rock sound which also has some punk style melodies and vocals.

Gravity Mirror” is a track about experiencing heartache, breakup and failing to stay in a relationship, using those Stoner Rock and Metalcore influences, making it more commercial with pop rock melodies making it more mainstream. ”Dominion” is the last track on this EP which again tells the story of grief, loss of a loved one, also the stages of grief we experience, the track which has two distinct halves anger, grief and finally acceptance. Some really great guitar work in this track from the riffs, to the runs and solo with the subtle keyboard outro.

Dead Karma have a produced four great tracks, also they have a big sound and presence for a three piece band. The influences are evident in their music and song writing. They are not afraid to experiment with their sound neither which I like, which makes the EP really fresh , new and different. ”The Space Camaro” is a great introduction, showcase for this band to build on, with hopefully a full length album in the future. Worth checking out.

7 / 10









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"The Space Camaro EP" Track-listing:

1.The Purge

2,Space Camaro

3.Gravity Mirror


Dead Karma Lineup:

Andrew Cannell – Vocals & Guitars

Sean Frankruyter – Bass & Vocals

Jacob Jansen - Drums

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