
Wolves’ Winter

My experience with their record label is more often than not they are good at recruiting Black Metal bands who are different than their peers, as well as ones who embrace melody. There were moments of both on the album, but they just didn’t extend long enough to make a lasting impression.
September 23, 2024

From Bandcamp, “Through Qayin's manifestations, we encarnate his words as heralds of Death. The cult is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was formed in 2008, has five devoted members who spread the word of the no-light.” The album has nine songs, and “The Paradoxical Fullness of Nothingness” is first. The opening tones are harrowing from whispered spoken word, and then in comes the guitar riff, thick and structured, with a heavy dose of galloping drums. The whispered vocals continue, acting as something different within the world of Black Metal. “Levitation of the Buried Ones” is more traditional Black Metal, with an overly treble production and screams to match the intensity of the instruments.

“Bornless and Deathless” was the music video released on the album. It has a straightforward Black Metal sound, fueled by intense, energetic riffing and vocal screams that do not let up. The title track is much darker and raging, but eventually it settles into a groove. My biggest concern with the album so far is that it sounds like other FWOBM bands, and besides the opening whispers, which differentiated it, it is not very creative. Ruthless and intense, but not creative. “The Omen” begins with clean guitar and some somber feelings. Somber turns to torture at times, and then returns again, and the harmonized leads bring a different feeling to the album. “Calling from Beyond” brings the album back to a familiar sound once again.

“Black Light of Oalmana” is a shorter song that is even more intense, but again, it isn’t overly creative. “VOID” is the closing song, and unfortunately, it’s more of the same. Overall, my experience with their record label is more often than not they are good at recruiting Black Metal bands who are different than their peers, as well as ones who embrace melody. There were moments of both on the album, but they just didn’t extend long enough to make a lasting impression.

5 / 10









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"Medivm" Track-listing:

1. The Paradoxical Fullness of Nothingness

2. Levitation of the Buried Ones

3. Bornless and Deathless

4. The Medivm

5. Flame of Ghosts

6. The Omen

7. Calling From Beyond

8. Black Light of Qalmana



Wolves’ Winter Lineup:

Beelzebuth Nazgul – Vocals

Nebiros – Drums

Orobas – Guitars, Vocals

Valefar – Guitars

Rakshasa – Bass


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