Never Die


According to the band, Highways, metal has no borders. They are a power metal band, […]
September 23, 2024

According to the band, Highways, metal has no borders. They are a power metal band, based in the U.S. with members spanning four continents, Highways has released their third album, “Never Die”. The album is filled with solid rock songs that grab you from the start, and takes you on a ride filled with great rhythms, hooks, blazing leads, and good vocals. The guitars and lead offer an effective blend, where the lead is not too over the top, and knows when to be melodic and when to show bursts of speed. The vocals don't sound like typical female leads. Ohla Lishchyshyn comes in on vocals for this album, which is a change from the previous two. She brings a hauntingly good voice to the band.

“Denier” starts the album off with a quick drum intro, before the heavy rhythm guitar and then the fast lead. This is the kind of songs that have been done since the 80’s, and Highways does it as good, or better, than anyone else. “Lost Oasis” follows next, with a simple intro, where the rhythm chords are held and the lead follows the progression, holding the root note.The drums follow the beat, then adds a few rolls and fills, before the song kicks off with the first verse over a driving rhythm. The album continues with driving rock track after driving rock track, with no ballads. “Paint It Red” is the slowest, but not a true ballad. It starts as a slow haunting riff, with a touch of doom and gloom, similar to Black Sabbath or Metalica’s Thing That Should Not Be, without copying anyone's style. Halfway through, it picks up the pace to a regular rock tempo. The song ends with a scream.

“The Blood”, the longest song at 7:09, opens with a melodic lead line that is harmonized when repeated. Then the rest of the band kicks in as the intro builds. After the first line is delivered, the tempo picks up once again. The solo is beautifully crafted with a balance between melodic lines and shredding guitars. Overall, “Never Die” delivers all that you could want from a hard driving rock album, filled with 80's style riffs and rhythms, with the exception of ballads. Like I said before, there are no ballads. That’s because they are not needed. This album gives you eight great rock songs that will stick in your head, and have you singing or humming them long after they are done. That’s a sign of good music.


8 / 10









"Never Die" Track-listing:
  1. Denier
  2. Lost Oasis
  3. Shattered Pane
  4. In The Dark
  5. The Master
  6. Unholy Union
  7. Paint It Red
  8. The Blood
Highways Lineup:

Olha Lishchyshyn -Vocals

Carlos Molina - Guitar & Backing Vocals

Oleh Andrievsky - lead guitar

Marvin Masok - Bass

Vinay Ramakrishnan -Drums

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