Tyran’s Oath


Good traditional Metal from Germany.
September 5, 2024

From the great Bavaria region in Germany, we have a new band breaking the metal eggshell and releasing their first album to the world.The band is TYRAN created in 2020 and they are now releasing their first album Tyran’s Oath via Iron Shield Records. The label says traditional Heavy Metal as well as the first track “Protectors Of Metal” that delivers a fast paced, double guitar, high singing metal with all the ingredients you expect from 80's and 90's bands. The singer Nicolas Peter has an incredible range as his regular singing is already quite high and when he really goes high with his voice, he really breaks the glasses as you can hear in “Bomber” . The guitar riffs can be a little dated but I am loving it as this is the type of music I grew up with.

“Fist Of Iron” has a total SAXON vibe and the name of the song matches it perfectly. The guitar duo of Christian Kirr and Sergej Dukart is a Dave Murray/Adrian Smith kind of match since they compliment each other well adding to all songs great dueling solos as you can hear in “Assault”, and and the heavy “Thrill of the Chase” that the singer finally decides to give his voice some rest. This last one is a good tune that reminds me of the Los Angeles Bay Area hair bands. We pass halfway with “Highway Warriors” and the riffs keep coming. I also like the work of competent drummer Simon Doemling that does not overuse the double bass in the fast songs. Germany is a great producer of all kinds of metal and I believe TYRAN has drunk from the fountains of ACCEPT, SCORPIONS and GAMMA RAY as you can hear in “Strike Of The Whip”, that is another good track in this album as well as “Riot In The Streets” that gave me vibes of SKID ROW and the singer again, rests his voice a little. The output is very classic Heavy Metal with a great guitar duo and a nice singer. The production is also good quality and you can hear everything clear in the mix.

We reach “Tyran's Oath“ that also names the album. Well, now it is that part of my review that I talk about the bass. The bassist Thomas Resch is a competent one but the bass follows the guitar lines in the majority of songs blending too much with them and kind of disappearing in the mix. Let the bass talk louder and with some interesting Steve Harris parts. Nobody remembers Fracis Buchholz. We end our journey with the energetic bonus track “Lighting Strikes” that for me is one of the best of the album. Overall a good debut and a nice journey to the traditional Heavy Metal so dear to my heart. Great musicianship and I would love to see a live performance anywhere to witness if the vocalist can hold the pipes in a live setting.

6 / 10

Had Potential








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"Tyran’s Oath" Track-listing:

1.Protectors of Metal
3.Fists of Iron
5.Thrill of the Chase
6.Highway Warriors
7.Strike Of The Whip
8.Riot in the Streets
9.Tyran's Oath
10.Lighting Stikes

Tyran Lineup:

Thomas Resch- Bass
Simon Doemling- Drums
Sergej Dukart- Guitars
Christian Kirr- Guitars
Nicolas Peter- Vocals

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