Morbid Origin


INCULTER is a blackened thrash metal band from the east coast of Norway and has […]
February 28, 2024

INCULTER is a blackened thrash metal band from the east coast of Norway and has been going on since their formation in the year of 2012, once they were officially a band, they didn’t wait around for too long until their first release which was in the form of an EP titled STYGIAN DELUGE in 2013. The EP itself had sold out after two weeks which was released through Edged Circle Productions, the band themselves is led by vocalist and guitarist, REMI ANDRÉ NYGÅRD, on guitar also is LASSE UDJUS, on bass guitar is CATO BAKKE and finally on drums is DANEIL TVEIT. It was unlikely that vocalist REMI and guitar player LASSE knew each other from before, however bassist CATO and drummer DANIEL, had played together in three different bands before they joined INCULTER in 2012.

So going back to their music, after the release of their EP in 2013, they went on to release what was to become their debut album titled PERSISTING DEVOLUTION which arrived in 2015 through the same record label they used before. The album itself went down very well with their listeners and was received very positively by their fans who were growing as their overall sound could only be described as ‘nascent violence of the early Bay Area sound or the bestial blitz of mid 80’s Germany, from the ultra-OTT Canada’s old speed/thrash scene to the weird ’n’ unhinged musings of contemporaneous Eastern Europe, Inculter covered nearly every base with the magick ‘n’ mastery of true veterans. So after the band’s debut album came out, they became busy as they were given opportunities to support other bands on stage including MAYHEM and KVELERTAK.

As the next few years passed, the band were originally a trio with REMI, CATO and DANIEL, it wasn’t until 2019 that their second guitarist LASSE joined the ranks, as the band released one or two new singles, as they worked towards another album. This was to be their second album and follow up to the success of their debut album, the second album titled FATAL VISIONS released later on in 2019, safe to say that the new addition of a fourth member, guitarist LASSE really does contribute so much and packs a punch on his first release with INCULTER. So onwards the band went after this release, now a few years later, they have a brand new album out for us to rock our socks to, it’s titled MORBID ORIGIN as it arrived in late 2023.

So the new album has altogether nine tracks, we can start now with the first track which is “Intro” as we hear nothing but silence at first, there is a subtle drone sound effect set at a low bass tone, then electric guitar comes in with some melodic playing and at a slow tempo to start with. Halfway through we hear the second guitar part or perhaps another guitar line recorded over the first line, then a dip in volume, as we head straight into the madness of the second track which is “Death Reigns”. Cymbals clashing with guitar riffs, all guns blazing as we are in for a long rollercoaster ride, vocals also do join in as we hear the stupendous full sound of the band, a lot of clarity from drums and guitars, these guys are no joke at all, they are here to stay.

Stamping and charging forward as drums do to encourage the guitars and vocals also to bring the noise as drums are really setting the bar high in this track. As faster drum patterns and fills cover half of this track with the lightning bolt of guitars, the tempo changes also with timing as well, there is more of a sway now as we hear lighter or maybe acoustic guitar, not as heavy as before. However the guitars refer back to the heavier and charismatic tone, they deliver so well and we can head into track two which is “Age Of Reprisal” as cymbals kick this track off being struck very hard, as guitar plays riffs in between these drum fills. Guitar then plays a slow riff where they pick the notes, as drums move in for the kills as there are pauses but done very well and suits the arrangement of this track.

Vocals do come in later on, but really do pick their moments appropriately and heavier guitars are such an iconic aspect of thrash metal so all very appealing so far, so good. Guitar takes a higher pitch on certain riffs, then switching into a more soloistic section as drums follow along, before a bass heavy section comes where bass guitar can set the tone, but then lead guitar plays more melodic riffs and sets a good example. The two guitar parts can be heard in such a great contrast as well, as we can now head into the next track, which is “Chained To The Void”, as more thrash like guitars rage on with those psychedelic drums cutting through the track but in an effective way. The lower end of the band with bass guitar and lead guitar also has a big emphasis even on the drums, there is a focus on the lower frequencies as vocals come in there when they are required.

A short interval with no vocals gives drums and lead guitar to make themselves well known as they do give time for vocals to come as they please, lead guitar also performs some well executed solo parts, as drums accompany them along. So onwards into the next track which is “Children Of Demise”, as more riveting guitar playing is ongoing as is drums playing with a great attention given to the lower end again, vocals are coming in as before, they allow the other instruments to dominate the track more aggressively when appropriate. There is very much a galloping or stampede of drums and guitars especially, towards the end the tempo is unchained as we now head into the next track “Extinction” as a breakdown section of drums plus guitars opens this awesome sixth track.

But then after this passage of play, more of the charge forward with all instruments in action even vocals are in there as the tempo of the track varies halfway through, but the theatrics of what is being heard is simply staggering. As the track allows itself to bleed with guitar and drums being the overflow of what comes from the inner sanctum of what we hear, some lovely solo playing again by guitar and drums too. The sheer quality and determination of this band is just admirable, the real kick ass attitude is clear, as we head onwards into the next track, “Morbid Origin”. As the ringing of cymbals signals the vocals come right in and show what they are made of, guitars follow in as well, just so suggestive and charismatic too.

Another solo section for drums and guitar expand their horizons, as we can steadily move onto the penultimate track which is “Perennial Slaves”, as we hear guitar strumming away getting heavier in tone and more attacking. A slower tempo this time around, as guitars and drums are the more dominant elements in this track so far, but vocals do eventually join in at a later stage as all goes quieter for vocals to take command of this haunting ship of thrash metal sailing amongst the darker waters, of which the black metal influences are symbolised. The instrumental group comes back in as the vocals take a breath, but now we can swiftly go now into what is the final track, titled “Lethal Salvation”. Stunning guitar parts bring the listener in at first with ringing cymbals as we know this the band’s final say in this album.

Vocals come in as the force of nature, speaking clearly, as we hear of the drums and guitars as they fly off into their own zones of comfort, as they venture on we can only be amazed by the musicianship and creativity of this band as to what they have to offer us. It is basically all hands on deck, as vocals also come into play again, as we now hear the closing curtain on what has been a fascinating album indeed, I have been very much invested into each individual instrument in the band. I found this band very much on the same wavelength of other well known thrash bands like METALLICA, SLAYER but of course there is the black metal twist, mind you there isn’t too much of it, so perhaps this band are thrash metal heads. But do check these guys out, a great album and all round great band for sure.

7 / 10









"Morbid Origin" Track-listing:

1. Intro

2. Death Reigns

3. Age Of Reprisal

4. Chained To Avoid

5. Children Of Demise

6. Extinction

7. Morbid Origin

8. Perennial Slaves

9. Lethal Salvation

Inculter Lineup:

Remi - Vocals and Guitar

Lasse Udjus - Guitar

Cato Bakke - Bass Guitar

Daniel Tveit - Drums

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