Biolume Part 3 - A Fullmoon Madness

Midnight Odyssey

Overall, this was a good album, but very long, and so in that length the artist runs the risk of having too many songs that sounds similar. It was fairly diverse however, and the spacey elements kept it interesting.
November 22, 2023

MIDNIGHT ODYSSEY is a one-man Black Metal band hailing from Australia and formed in 2007. This is the third installment of the Biolume trilogy, and contains 13 songs. “A Darkness Dims the Fire” is first. The sound is intriguing…heavily symphonic at first, followed by more traditional Black Metal elements with a backdrop of space…starts, nebulas, the whole universe. Throughout the massive length of the song, the landscape changes often. “A Land That Only Death Knows” also has some spacy elements…they come from both the thick wall of guitars and the backing soft bell notes. The combination of the two is what makes the music, and it has outerworld vibes. The clean vocals also hint at the composer having a sense of Classical music.

“They Have Always Known” has a softer and slower sound that is more emotional at first, followed by a raucous swell of sound later, but the melody is intact. Dis knows how to hit the listener from many angles. “Witching Eyes” has a seductive sound at first that transitions into a hardened slab of concrete. But even through the harsh vocals and thick underbrush, the light still gets through, and the clean vocals have a momentous quality to them. “The Ghost of Endymion” begins with some fat brass, before seguing into a slow, heavy sound. Whoever the ghost is, the music makes him sound like an important man.

“The Lunar Maelstrom” has a combination of some depressive elements, some angry elements, and some elements that make you pause and wonder. “The Last Day” is another lengthy song, beginning with what sounds like a beast snoring…or lying in wait. Following a heavy and aggressive passage, it takes a brief pause, before returning. If this is your last day on Earth, this might be the sound that you would expect to hear...tension, anxiety, and the last scramble to make it out alive. The spacey keyboard elements add to the high level of tension that Dis has built in the song. It sounds like Overall, this was a good album, but very long, and so in that length the artist runs the risk of having too many songs that sounds similar. It was fairly diverse however, and the spacey elements kept it interesting.

7 / 10









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"Biolume Part 3 - A Fullmoon Madness" Track-listing:

1. As Darkness Dims the Fire

2. A Land That Only Death Knows

3. The Long Forgotten Dead

4. They Have Always Known

5. The Horned Goddess

6. Witching Eyes

7. As One We Grow, As One We Fall

8. The Ghost of Endymion

9. A Fullmoon Madness

10. The Lunar Maelstrom

11. Death in Crimson Fire

12. The Last Day

13. Luna


Midnight Odyssey Lineup:

Dis Pater – All Instruments, Vocals


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