ATHANATHEOS: French Death Metallers return with "Cross. Deny. Glorify." - New Album via Lavadome Productions

France's ATHANATHEOS have announced a new concept album entitled "Cross. Deny. Glorify."! The band's third […]
March 4, 2023

France's ATHANATHEOS have announced a new concept album entitled "Cross. Deny. Glorify."!

The band's third full-length will be released on April 14th, 2023 via Lavadome Productions. It was produced, recorded, mixed and mastered between July 2019 to December 2022 at the Atheistic Dungeon by Samuel Girard. The cover artwork is a painting by Giulio Romano (1524, "The Battle of the Milvian Bridge").

A first track, "The Silent Oblivion", has been premiered at this location:

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ATHANATHEOS have refined their craft to deliver real metal grandeur upon the listener. However, the mentality that undergirds this record is the same one that allowed Death Metal to evolve and thrive in the exile of absolute ostracism by the mainstream: No trends, no compromise, only pure vision.

The concept of the album follows the paths of three generations of Roman men (a soldier, merchand and philosopher) as they watch their empire decay from within in the wake of Emperor Constantine's adoption of Christanity as its official religion, every song on "Cross. Deny. Glorify." is unique in its character while holding true to a core musical vision that binds the entire record.

1. The Cross
2. You Were Not
3. Credo Quia Absurdum
4. They Are Spreading the Pestilence
5. To Deny
6. The Silent Oblivion
7. Witness
8. Rise of Terror, Rise of Intolerance
9. To Glorify +++ +++ +++

Sure Shot Worx PR
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