SATYRICON: Announces Collaboration with Munch Museum!

From the Munch Museum: The Norwegian Black Metal bandSATYRICONmeets Edvard Munch's art. The exhibitionSatyricon & […]
May 27, 2021

From the Munch Museum:

The Norwegian Black Metal bandSATYRICONmeets Edvard Munch's art. The exhibitionSatyricon & Munchexplores the intersection of Black Metal and visual art, where a specially composed musical work is connected with a selection of Edvard Munch's images. When you enter the large hall on MUNCH's tenth floor, this exhibition will create an atmosphere that opens up new entrances to Edvard Munch's work, and toSATYRICON's music.

Since the fall of 2018,SATYRICONhas been working on the writing and recording of a musical work whose main objective is to create a symbiosis with Edvard Munch's iconic art in an exhibition that will be held at the new Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, opening 3/26/2022. Following the exhibition will be the release of the musical work in album format, carrying the same title as the exhibition,Satyricon & Munch.

"We consider this massive challenge the greatest honor of our career. Edvard Munch created some of the most iconic images in the world of art and through his career demonstrated the kind of courage and freedom we have always embraced and aspired to us as artists ourselves. To write music whose ambition is to take the art of Munch into uncharted territory, is quite a journey to be on",saysSATYRICON."We look forward to sharing more details with you in the coming months".

Watch the announcement video with Satyr and curator Trine Otte Bak NielsenHERE:

Satyr - vocals, guitars, keyboards, effects, songwriting, lyrics
Frost - drums

More Info on SATYRICON:

More Info on Munch Museum:

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