PERSECUTOR: Polish Underground Thrash stalwarts re-releases an unsung classic!

Polish Thrash Metal collective PERSECUTOR released its debut EP in 2007 and it was a […]
February 3, 2020

Polish Thrash Metal collective PERSECUTOR released its debut EP in 2007 and it was a breath of fresh air oo the underground scene of its time.

"The band was operating during times when technical Death Metal, primitive Black Metal, and KORN rip-offs ruled the Polish underground. It seemed as if Thrash Metal completely disappeared from the map.", says vocalist Bartosz Wiktorowicz.

PERSECUTOR ' Dogs of War (Spotify):

How come a bunch of teenagers from small-town Poland were fascinated by a genre considered outdated? As the band states, "The scope of Thrash Metal was so much broader. There was room for melody, but at the same time it was technical and heavy. There was a certain musicality to it, that we all felt was lost in the more extreme genres."

And those words apply well to the material on PERSECUTOR EP, which aged surprisingly well. Five direct attacks, no ballads, classic riffing, and good production. "The EP will fit well with POWER TRIP bangers as well as old-school Thrash classics.", Bartosz Wiktorowicz assures.

"Persecutor" is now available on all streaming platforms. Thrash maniacs should definitely check it out.

PERSECUTOR ' PERSECUTOR (2007) (Full Album Spotify Player):

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