
Gallows Pole

GALLOWS POLE is a mid 70s band with three full length albums released until 1999 […]
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
June 12, 2010
Gallows Pole - Revolution album cover

GALLOWS POLE is a mid 70s band with three full length albums released until 1999 when entered a hiatus period. That time period lasted for 9 years when the Austrian band was reactivated the album "IV" introducing a more Hard Rock oriented sound leaving on the side the almost NWOBHM character met in "In Rock We Trust" and "We Wanna Come Home".

"Revolution" is one of those case were an ultra-experienced band creates an album comprising all the Hard Rock qualities we all love to listen. The music is well written, the musicianship is without doubt top notch while the distinct vocals give the band an extra credit. As the icing on the cake comes the AC/DC feeling in "Hell Again", the LED ZEPPELIN groove in "For Lovers" that simply underline the band's strong Hard Rock vintage backbone. Despite GALLOWS POLE ancestry the music breathes the 70s atmosphere of the UK featuring simple guitar rhythms and killer grooves that make the album flow smoothly with high level standards. Ironically this is exactly the problem with "Revolution"; the album is kind of 'flat' without a couple of hit-songs that could make it special. I mean, you could leave the album playing in the background to create a nice atmosphere but you could not put the CD in your player to listen to a specific track. Well, apart from the closing "Baby Come On" where the hearty guitar heaviness and the catchy groove are the strongest elements this album can offer.

So, another very good album from an experienced band that lacks of personal identity. The high musicianship is just not enough to make an album good. I just wish they returned to the sound of the two first albums...

5 / 10


"Revolution" Track-listing:
  1. You're In My Way
  2. Hell Again
  3. Dirty Love
  4. Falling Rain
  5. Always
  6. For Lovers
  7. Lonely Heart
  8. Early Days
  9. Baby Come On
Gallows Pole Lineup:

Alois Martin Binder - Vocals, Guitar
Lubi Ivic - Bass
Stefan Winkler - Drums
Gunther Steiner - keyboards

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