FORMICARIUS: Release "Rending the Veil of Flesh."

Friday 13th September release of Formicarius' epic second album; infused with the blackest of magicks, […]
July 21, 2019

Friday 13th September release of Formicarius' epic second album; infused with the blackest of magicks, please welcome Rending The Veil Of Flesh!

They stepped from the shadows in 2014, confident in their abilities from the start. Formicarius immediately began burning their path towards the black metal throne, unhindered by false modesty they refused to 'know their place'. Their first single, Lake of The Dead, sent shockwaves through the scene and earned a place on Sony Music's Speed Kills VII ' a compilation that not only resurrected a legendary, groundbreaking series, but simultaneously sought to raise up the finest talent in the UK underground. Shows with Hate, Hecate Enthroned, Noctem, Negura Bunget and De Profundis followed and then a deal with German label Schwarzdorn Production. In 2017 the debut album from Formicarius, Black Mass Ritual, was unleashed and their flame became an inferno.

With the ashes of their first assault barely cooled, Formicarius have now returned with a brand new album of glorious symphonic black metal. On Friday 13th September Rending The Veil Of Flesh will deliver nine new tales from history's darkest pages, the most harrowing of nightmares and the endless void that lies between the stars. Richer, deeper, more beguiling and enchanting, with Rending The Veil Of Flesh Formicarius have spread their black wings and taken flight. With the mighty drumming of Kevin Paradis of Benighted driving these bewitching songs through the howling winds and twilight skies this album is unstoppable! Bloody blasphemy infuses songs like the sinister 'Early Will I Seek Thee', which is bookended by a dread invocation from Sakis Tolis (Rotting Christ) and the plaintive violin playing of Nicholas Miller of Aklash. Riffs carved from terror dance twisted roundels through the horrors of 'Stalker Among The Stars' and 'Dieu Et Mon Droit' conceals hidden, desperate depths within its heart-haunting melodies.

Mixed and mastered at Parlour Studios (Dimmu Borgir, Samael, Venomous Concept etc), Rending The Veil Of Flesh is a tome of secrets and stories, a chest overflowing with cursed treasures and arcane artefacts, a stairway to the stars and the doorways to doom that lie between them. Formicarius have returned ' transformed ' to deliver a new truth, to burn your hypocrisy at the stake and right the wrongs of this dying world. The demons are on the wing and your flesh is but a veil for the rending.

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