IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT: Announce European Tour!

NYC dissonant black metal trio IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT have announced their upcoming european tour with MORD'A'STIGMATA, […]
February 22, 2019

NYC dissonant black metal trio IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT have announced their upcoming european tour with MORD'A'STIGMATA, including appearances at Roadburn Festival, Dark Easter Metal Meeting, SWR Barroselas Metalfest and more. The band will promote their 2018 full-length Vile Luxury released by Throatruiner Records and Gilead Media.


10/04 Minsk, BY - Brugge*

11/04 Moscow, RU - Model T**

12/04 St Petersburg, RU - Zoccolo 2.0**

14/04 Roadburn Festival, Tilburg, NL

15/04 Hamburg, DE - Hafenklang

16/04 Copenhagen, DK - Spillested Stengade

17/04 Aalborg, DK - 1000 Fryd

18/04 Kiel, DE - Alte Meierei

20/04 Dark Easter Metal Meeting, DE - Munich

21/04 Zagreb, HR - Mocvara

22/04 Timisoara, RO - Capcana

23/04 Budapest, HU - Durer Kert

24/04 Vienna, AT - Escape

25/04 Prague, CZ - Underdogs

26/04 Krakow, PL - Zet Pe Te

27/04 SWR Barroselas Metalfest, PT *



New York's nebulous, avant-garde metal outfit IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT redefine sonic darkness on their ambitious new album, Vile Luxury. A turbulent, frenetic take on experimental noise and progressive black metal, IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT embody the most austere side of the New York underground. Chaos, menagerie, and the perils of the city clash with its reputation for majesty and extravagance. The band aim to portray the juxtaposition between high society and urban decay. "Our city is like the corpse of a giant." The band explains. "What was once so bright, grand and spectacular, is now filled with greedy maggots writhing towards their share of 'success'. We don't support it nor are we against. We only play the sounds of the New York City as we hear them."Vile Luxury combines the various musical elements that follow well within the tradition of music in New York, a monolith of the Western world, of constant experimentation and appropriation of all things that enter it, never leaving the same as it came.

Recorded, mixed, and mastered by Colin Marston at The Thousand Caves, New York, USA
Artwork by Andrew Tremblay

Kyle Scott

Throatruiner Records
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