JENNER: "To Live is To Suffer" Re-Issued on Vinyl.

INFERNÖ Records is proud to announce the time has come for us to re-release JENNER's […]
April 15, 2018

INFERNÖ Records is proud to announce the time has come for us to re-release JENNER's debut album "To Live Is To Suffer" on a limited VINYL edition!
You can PRE-ORDER your copy NOW ! Release date is set for JUNE 30th 2018!

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INFERNÖ Records is proud to announce the time has come for us to re-release JENNER's debut album "To Live Is To Suffer" on a limited VINYL edition !
Limited to 300 copies, you'll have the choice between regular BLACK wax (200 copies) and ORANGE wax (100 copies) !
This edition comes with a full-colored insert including lyrics, pics... etc....

You can PRE-ORDER your copy NOW ! Release date is set for JUNE 30th 2018 ! Get your copy from INFERNÖ Records - DIRECT LINK

Artist: JENNER
Title: 'To Live is To Suffer'
Label: INFERNÖ Records
Genre: Speed - Thrash Metal
Format: Vinyl
Origin: Serbia
Release date: June 30th, 2018

Zineaholic PR
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