ABRUPTUM: First Two Albums Released by IPR.

Inferna Profundus Records in conspiracy with Blooddawn Productions to release first two Abruptum albums on […]
March 18, 2018

Inferna Profundus Records in conspiracy with Blooddawn Productions to release first two Abruptum
albums on LP/CD/MC formats.

"Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectère Me" and "In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, in Aeternum in Triumpho
Tenebrarum" - two gems of pure darkness and chaos.

1994-1995 - the golden years when black metal had reached the peak of its splendor and its essence - in
these years came out the best masterpieces of the historic Scandinavian bands like DARKTHRONE,
MAYHEM, MARDUK and so on. Among these realities there were also the Swedish Abruptum who
decided to conceive of black metal in a completely different form, even more obscure and malignant than
the genre that was emerging. Two well-known members of the Scandinavian scene (It, founder of "True
Satanist Horde" and Evil, better known as Morgan - founding member of mighty Marduk) joined forces
to give birth to two masterpieces of pure chaotic darkness - "Obscuritatem Advoco Amplectère Me"
(1993, recorded in 1992) and "In Umbra Malitiae Ambulabo, in Aeternum in Triumpho Tenebrarum"
(1994, recorded in 1993). Euronymous from Mayhem immediately understood the uniqueness and
authenticity of Abruptum and decided to submit the Swedish duo to his historic label "Deathlike Silence
Productions" and release the the two full-lengths.

In the two albums the Abruptum seem to deconstruct and break down black metal to its primordial
essence - there are no rules and musical structures, there is no canon, no songs, no riffs, no strophes, we
could and should doubt if this can even be called music. De facto, the essence of Abruptum is not the
musical form, but the atmosphere and the aura that they manage to evoke and transmit - a claustrophobic
journey into a an endless nightmare - uncomfortable, unpredictable, morbid and cold. The crawling
sounds of drums, guitar and keyboards seem a slow cacophonic lament that tortures the soul of those who
try to understand it. There is no singing here - rather agonizing and schizophrenic screams that bounce off
into the darkness. The two albums of the Abruptum do not allow much interpretation and rhetoric - the
only sensations that transmit the nearly two hours of sound wall are: malaise, darkness and chaos. You
can hate it, you can love it - but you can not remain indifferent. It is no coincidence that Euronymous
himself defined the "music" of the Abruptum "The audial essence of pure black evil". These two albums
are an admirable example of what black metal should be - freedom to be and do what you want. Today
very few can do it .

Released on vinyl and CD formats in the middle on May, 2018! Cassette version later this year. Both
vinyls comes with A2 poster and insert.

Vinyl will be distributed in different colors by:
Inferna Profundus Records ' Worldwide ' Black vinyl, unlimited. Transparent smoke silver and gold
vinyl. Limited to 100 copies each.

Hell Headbangers ' USA ' Gold and silver vinyls. Limited to 100 copies each.
Folter Records ' Germany ' Black-Red Splatter and White-Red Splatter. Limited to 100 copies each.
Blooddawn Productions ' Sweden ' Bloodred vinyls. Limited to 100 copies each.

Two t-shirt designs are available too!

Pre orders are available at: www.ipr666shop.com


Inferna Profundus Records
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