DARK PHANTOM: Release music videos for new album "Nation of Dogs"

Death-thrash metal band from Iraq DARK PHANTOMrecently released the new song "Nation of Dogs" via […]
February 13, 2018

Death-thrash metal band from Iraq DARK PHANTOMrecently released the new song "Nation of Dogs" via theTrick Track Iraqi Channel:

See also their music video on youtube here:

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When clicked, this video is loaded from YouTube servers. See our privacy policy for details.

The band is also trying to do a fundraiser to tour in Syria. If you want to help here is the link:

Dark Phantom's idea began in Kirkuk, Iraq late in 2007. The impression was to reach their dreams in western music and to express the inferior circumstances in the city, and explain it to the universe. But things wasn't able to progress, due to the bad situation in Iraq, and that lead to postponement of forward progress and a period of hibernation, for their safety.

This was for survival, without any developments in the level of art.

In 2008, the band was able to start up again and started rehearsal, despite all the dangers. Death was a consequence, of being caught playing this music in an Al Queda controlled situation. It was a volatile situation.

Dark Phantom could then, hardly compose their first song, before there was a decline in the band's musical direction. They turned to cover songs, and, at the same time, worked on original music.

There was a lot criticism in the Iraqi arena, to the band's music after the war, but the band was still looking to faith and hope, to guide them in what they believe ' that music, itself, means life.

In 2009, the band managed to have a birth of their own music, by starting to write the first songs after many months in rehearsal. The final result was good, but no one regarded it. The band started to find ways to rerecord it, but unfortunately needed lessons in audio technique. After some instruction and added new hardware and software, the band continued preparation for more songs, and they set to make their first album.

At first, it took a while to figure out the name of album. They settled on "Beta ".

In 2011, the band played their first concert in the city of Kirkuk. It was unforeseen, that under the same circumstances (volatile aggression, anti-metal music "laws", etc.) a crowd came to see them and news of event rocked the small city.

After the success of that gig, the band returned again to their studio to finish the album that they promised to their new fans.

After a lot of demand from the fans on the band's Facebook page for a second concert, in 2011, Dark Phantom was ready, but there was another situation that made it impossible. Terror groups and their allies began threatening to close all the of band's pages on the internet. The band was also warned, again, to stop their activities, or else.

Now, in 2012, Dark Phantom's members return to work on the final touches of their album. Now, as they finish it, they still struggle for local and worldwide promotion, and are awaiting the day that their dreams become reality, through their faith and hope in humanity.

After the band reputation was spread in the area, exactly in 2013 they started getting invitation to make a live concerts in different cities and indeed they responded, making 3 successful concerts in 3 different cities which was a great recovery and improvement for the band health!

In 2014 some major changes were made to the band Vocal & Drummer (as they both left for safety reasons and the bad current situation of Iraq) and started working in a different fields.

So, Mir was introduced to the band as a Vocal and Mahmood as a Drummer , were eventually the band style and musical color was changed to adapt the Thrash Death Metal Genre!

And in a short time they made their 1st original Track (Nation of Dogs) which opened the rusty gates for the band to start their 1st Album which is still "under construction" these days!

As they are struggling hardly and travel across cities to meet for their dream the "Rehearsal" and creating the Passion's Music.

Written by Chris Yashar
Edited and translated (for English) by Shawn Schroeder
Reviewing translation by Dana Zangana

You can listen to the full album on youtube here:

MIR - Lead vocalist
MURAD - Guitarist
REBEEN - Guitarist
MAHMOOD - Drummer
SERMET - Bassist

News reported by:Jean-François "Thrashing Assault" Briard


More info:

Trick Track Iraqi Channel
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