JON OF THE SHRED: To Release "Paragon Rising."

Jon of the Shred's 7th album "PARAGON RISING" will be released on September 19th, 2017. […]
September 18, 2017

Jon of the Shred's 7th album "PARAGON RISING" will be released on September 19th, 2017.

This album blends prog rock, thrash metal, synthwave, orchestral filmscores and other genres into a captivating and diverse journey. The story ties into the larger "Scythe Saga" universe. The story focuses on Dr Grimm, an ostracized and controversial scientist. Grimm discovered evidence that a deadly planetary alignment had caused past cataclysms throughout the solar system. In this sequel to "The Dawn of Paragon," Grimm continues his race to stop the apocalypse of the "Ecliptic Prophecy" by infiltrating Scythian politics. His goal is to influence laws and policy, as well as funnel funds, through political power towards his company PARAGON. And his plan is working. This is....Paragon Rising!

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