

Unchained is one of my top three favourite Van Halen tracks ever written in the […]
By Panagiotis Koutsompogeras
January 10, 2005
Unchained - Unchained album cover

Unchained is one of my top three favourite Van Halen tracks ever written in the history of this extraordinary American Heavy Rock band! In the same manner this Swedish quartet, Unchained seem to possess a place in the triad of the most cool and melodic bands that we will have the opportunity to ear-witness in the newly arrived 2005!
These guys started back in 1999, but seem to have evolved quite much from this point of time and on, regarding their songwriting, technique [especially the stringed instruments (Internal-Infernal Question: Would you also consider a G-String as an instrument? Yo Ho!)], and generally the whole approach towards musical expression and integration. They have played several times in some of the most influential and over-crowded festivals (including the famous Swedish Rock Festival) - meaning that they have consumed tons of alcohol, met juicy blonde chicks but also gained valuable on stage experience!
As described in their promo-CD and obviously from what we get to hear they are very talented, they have adopted their personal way of songwriting techniques and are hungry for glory and universal acceptance. All these facts are quite true with the exception of the main counter argument which is that this melodic genre they deal with, is quite hard to accept any more major additions and experimentations - in other words they can't always easily escape from certain standard songwriting manners! Inspite of this fact, the CD flows very easily from the speakers of your audio system - like pouring fine wine in a fine porcelain glass - and due to its musical and lyrical warmness will help you last through the cold winter which is ahead of us!
Some of the highlights of this album are The Analyst, Ghost Of The Alchemic Hall, My Guide and Like The Candle amongst others. So wait until the 28th of January - when this album will reach the stores - break your sound chains with a chainsaw and ride towards the Unchained direction! May these guys reach the song writing standards and crowd acceptance, in the same magnitude as their natural inspirators Van Halen move on fast enough and why not make a common tour in the future!

8 / 10


"Unchained" Track-listing:

My Guide
The Analyst
Ghost Of The Alchemic Hall
Theater Of Fear
I Dream
Ordinary Sinner
Like The Candle
The Great Witch Hunt
Seventh Sin

Unchained Lineup:

Per Karlsson - Vocals
David Blome - Guitars
Peter Ericsson - Guitars
Mattias Osbeck - Bass
Martin Michalsson - Drums

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