PESTIFEROUS HAVEN: New Song And Lyric Video

We know it's long overdue, but now we can finally present the first glimpse of […]
December 22, 2016

We know it's long overdue, but now we can finally present the first glimpse of what we've been working on since our 2013 release "City of Ghosts". Ladies and gentlemen, we give you "Pestiferous Haven". This is the first track of our upcoming full length album yet to be named. "Pestiferous Haven" is included on "The Northern Conspiracy #2", a free compilation released by Discouraged Records. Find it here:

We also produced a lyric video for the song:

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So, regarding the upcoming full length. Composing and preproduction is going along well, with some tracks being complete. Drum recording and bass tracking has already started!

Thanks for your patience!

More infos:

Discouraged Records
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