

The Black Metal these guys play is very, very old school. This is pure Black Metal without any frills, fills or spills. As straight as an arrow and as deadly as sin. And darker than the absence of light.
September 16, 2024

ZWART is the Dutch word for BLACK. So, you will not score any points for guessing what kind of music these guys are playing on their latest effort called “Heem” (Home). This album was originally released in 2022 via Void Wanderer Productions, and only in digital format. For those who are unfamiliar with these words, this means either on CD or Bandcamp (which delivers digital files). Now, some two years later, Headbangers Records and Big Bad Wolf Records decided it was time that the world got the opportunity to order/buy it on vinyl. So they worked together once again and with the full cooperatrion of the band ZWART they realised just that. And that, my reading friends, is the version I am listening to while I am trying to type a re view that will make sense.

The Black Metal these guys play is very, very old school. This is pure Black Metal without any frills, fills or spills. As straight as an arrow and as deadly as sin. And darker than the absence of light. Which only means that if you are one of those musical traditionalists or someone with a proper disturbed disposition, you are going to light up like the proverbial lighthouse once you start listening to “Heem”. ZWART is very capable of cementing their sound without filling it to the brim. They leave you space (to breathe?) in order for you to get ready for the next very intruiging and imposing riff that is going to enter your darkened soul. I do hope you are up un your Dutch, as most of the lyrics are in my and their native language. Not that you can decipher them all without effort, though.

The drums and bass are doing their best to enhance the desolate feelings that occur in your thoughts and brain when you hear what the guitars have to offer. And once you get used to the almost doomlike atmosphere they will increase their speed to break neck, driving you even furhter into desperation. And what is even better (or is it more disturbing?), ZWART are quite capable of repeating this process without ever repeating themselves. That makes that although the atmosphere and feeling of the album is as colourful as an empty blackboard, in between the familiar noises you get used to you will always here something that adds to the feeling of hopelessness and emptiness. This is rather good old school Black Metal that deserves a listen by all those who feel the need for another shot at a black hole (een ZWART gat).

8 / 10









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"Heem" Track-listing:

1 Woens Heil
2 Of gods, Man And The Spirits Of The Dead
3 Van Vaders Vaderen
4 Uit De Ziel
5 Ravenkloof
6 Heem
7 De Ziener

Zwart Lineup:

K. Zwart – Lead Guitar, Vocals
S. Zwart – Guitar, Keys
F. Zwart – Bass
L. Zwart – Drums

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