Blazing Inferno

Yoth Iria

This was a solid Black Metal album that featured just enough diversity to keep it interesting, but there wasn’t quite enough variation. The folk and symphonic elements were nice as well, but again, there weren’t enough of them, so much of the album stalled before it really got the chance to get off the ground.
September 21, 2024

Edged Circle Productions proudly presents the highly anticipated new album from Hellenic Black Metal cult YOTH IRIA titled "Blazing Inferno." The album release date is November 8, 2024. The title track is fist. It has a slow, depressing, and contentious sound, and the vocals vary from fry to spoken word at times. “But Fear Not” had a faster pace, fueled partly by the strength of the drummer, and it has some folky elements as well. “In the Tongue of Birds” has a darker sound, and there are some light backing symphonic elements. The song is a mix of aggression and despondence. “Rites of Blood and Ice” begins with the thumping of heavy bass notes that lead to another hopeless sound, and some of the lead work rings with an IRON MAIDEN influence.

“Purgatory Revolution” has a more linear sound and opens with a guitar solo. The rhythm from there is pretty smooth, occasionally jagged at times. “Mornings of the One Thousand Golds” begins with atmosphere and builds slowly. The synths are a nice touch. The main riff that follows is another depressing sound, and it also has a anthemic quality to it. “Our Father Rode Again His Ride” also features some symphonic elements, and part of me wishes they would let these sounds ride out more. They also mix in more folky elements and it gives some life to the album. “We Call Upon the Elements” closes the album. A choppy riff leads the charge, followed by a rich chorus.

Overall, this was a solid Black Metal album that featured just enough diversity to keep it interesting, but there wasn’t quite enough variation. The folk and symphonic elements were nice as well, but again, there weren’t enough of them, so much of the album stalled before it really got the chance to get off the ground.

5 / 10









"Blazing Inferno" Track-listing:

1. Blazing Inferno

2. But Fear Not

3. In the Tongue of Birds

4. Rites of Blood and Ice

5. Purgatory Revolution

6. Mornings of the One Thousand Golds

7. Our Father Rode Again His Ride

8. We Call Upon the Elements


Yoth Iria Lineup:

HE – Vocals

Jim Mutilator – Bass

Nikolas Perlepe – Guitar

Naberius – Guitar

Vasilis Stavrianidis – Drums


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