Long Walk Of The Navajo

Yawning Man

YAWNING MAN are a band hailing from American grounds; formed in 1985 but no studio […]
By Craig Rider
August 18, 2023
Yawning Man - Long Walk Of The Navajo album cover

YAWNING MAN are a band hailing from American grounds; formed in 1985 but no studio recordings until 2005, they perform  this experimental ramification of rock that starts off with this doomy enthrallment for good measure, the titular track (of which the record was released on the 16th of June, 2023) "Long Walk Of The Navajo" (ranging through 40 minutes long) opens up the record with this melancholic manifestation of sulphurous rhythms that rumble with distorted effervescent and reverberating synergy. With this vast catalogue behind them; they sign themselves via Heavy Psych Records, this label couldn't be more relevant within the subgenre of choice here... as an atmospheric ambience entrances eardrums with this organic substance of vivacious tonality that thrives with monolithic tempo and concretely gritty slabbiness of virtuoso synthesis - amongst an amplified hook in dexterously dynamic rift that's vehemently versatile whilst nimbly swift to boot.

Gary Arce on guitar elements at a euphonic craftsmanship ability in dense harmonics that's progressively technical but distinctively distinguished on top; a crescendo building aesthetic implements a hybrid but easily listening formula, as an intricately designed mellow on riveting songwriting musicianship showcases thumpy bass expertise from returning member Billy Cordell within the superfluous "Respiratory Pause" ...this vibrantly potent remedy meticulously utilises this momentous maelstrom stability in complexly creative yet otherworldly sensation on light-hearted drum taps that's salubriously quaint whilst sublime yet sanguine to jam to for a calm but elegantly exquisite and fluidly polished outré of panache that's flamboyant and exquisite, amongst an enlightening fulfilment of expertly driven fabrication from Bill Stinson.

Overall concluding "Long Walk Of The Navajo" with the finale epic "Blood Sand"; I am compelled to say that while the latter offered an arbitrary yet not so linear shroud of static upheaval of virulent yet striving portrayal of instrumental bliss that's worth the spin, YAWNING MAN most surely outdone themselves with this one. An experimental rock thrill makes this one worthy of spinning should you fancy a healthy dose in this justifiably performed subgenre that's venomously prodigious & immersively executed, full of furore amongst an easy-listening experience making this discovery an experience to keep note of - do check it out.

8 / 10









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"Long Walk Of The Navajo" Track-listing:

1. Long Walk Of The Navajo
2. Respiratory Pause
3. Blood Sand

Yawning Man Lineup:

Gary Arce - Guitar
Bill Stinson - Drums
Billy Cordell - Bass

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