Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae


“Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae” is probably WARLUST’s best produced, most refined, most melodic album to date but it still sounds visceral as fuck.
October 14, 2024

On September 26, WARLUST dropped their third full-length album, “Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae,” via the esteemed Dying Victims Productions. For the uninitiated, WARLUST specializes in “Ancient Black/Death Metal.” On this album I would say they’re leaning more toward Melodic Black in their continuing evolution, but they still have a raw grit that hearkens back to older waves of Black Metal. It’s that primeval core, in fact, that makes them so damned good. “Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae” is probably their best produced, most refined, most melodic album to date but it still sounds visceral as fuck.  

“Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae” loosely translates to the unconquered sun in the shadow of Satan—a mouthful of paradox that speaks to the spirit of this album. Thematically this nine-track album is about war, earthly and otherworldly, and the fiends and denizens that wage it. Although dark in nature, it isn’t necessarily doom-laden. Rather it’s more triumphant in its bloodlust . . . which is to say, perfect fodder for a Blackened Thrash/Death album. Vocalist Nultemeron is harsh and guttural, but you can still discern the lyrics. Guitar work by Necromancer and Aeon is crunchy and heavily distorted but still punchy with compelling inflections and incredible solos. And the rhythm section of Nuktemeron (bass) and Warmachine (drums) while replete with requisite blast beats and frenetic tempo, still finds room for actual harmony. All that is to say, this is an album that bears repeating.

Standout tracks include “Serpent Crown,” the first proper track after a brief ambiance building intro. Steeped in tremolo and blackened riffs the long running track resolves into a tight NWOBHM solo. Great opening track. Next on my list is “. . . Between Apeiron & Plague” for its brutal, no prisoner approach. And finally the penultimate track, “Legio! Aeterna! Victrix!” a veritable war chant delivered in German. The closing track, “Black Souls,” the longest and most complex track on the album, is also a complete killer flowing in and out of movements, offering up a searing solo, and walking us out with an epic acoustic outro.

WARLUST has completed another evolutionary step in their trajectory upward with “Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae.” They hold true to their core while still pushing the needle forward. I’m not saying they invert the metal world or introduce anything terribly innovative, but they do deliver some solid, well-executed Extreme Metal.


8 / 10









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"Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae" Track-listing:

1. In Concord & Euphoria
2. Serpent Crown
3. . . .Between Apeiron & Plague
4. Sol Invictus in Umbrae Satanae
5. Forgotten Cult of Chronos
6. The Followless
7. ...of Gallows & Absurdity
8. Legio! Aeterna! Victrix!
9. Black Souls


Warlust Lineup:

Nuktemeron – Bass, Vocals

Necromancer – Vocals, Guitars

Warmachine – Drums

Aeon – Guitars

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