Into Hell Fire We Burn


If “Into Hell Fire We Burn” is a teaser for a new full-length album, then symphonic Black Metal fans have something to look forward to
December 4, 2023

W.E.B. were formed in 2002 and they are from Athens, Greece. The symphonic Black Metal band released so far five full-length albums and one EP. Their second EP “Into Hell Fire We Burn” has a considerable length of 38 minutes, and it has been released via US Metal legends Metal Blade Records.

The EP starts with the only new song, and this is a banger. Starting with guitar riffs leading to an epic melody, it transitions abruptly into a blisteringly fast part driven by relentless double-bass drumming. The verse and chorus parts include thunderous riffing at a head-banging rhythm. The chorus parts go back to the initial melody and the chorus lines are almost anthemic. One of the many track highlights is the short but contributing lead guitar solo. “Into Hell Fire We Burn” has been released as video and the YouTube link is provided below. Most of the songs on “Into Hell Fire We Burn” utilize previous material and “Forbidden Storm” is a medley of the title tracks from the album “For Bidens” and the EP “My Storm Upon You”. Starting with the intro of “For Bidens”, it comes close to the original but with more powerful arrangements. It is a track with devastating riffs, crazy speed during the verse parts, and chorus parts with epic melodies. The melodies are spine-chilling and at times melancholic, all intensified by the orchestral arrangements. The song parts used from “My Storm Upon You” close the medley, and once again, the new version is more powerful and darker, although some purists might prefer the rawness of the original track.

Necrology Of Hel” is the adaptation of the track “Necrology” taken from the “Colosseum” album with the added vocals of bassist Hel Pyre. It is a song of two parts, the crushing verse parts with aggressive riffing and blood-freezing melodies, and the melancholic chorus parts, acompanied by the orchestral arrangements. The new version of the track is much more voluminous with a modern production. “Lunar Nightmares” is a remix of “Nightmares in Disguise” and “Regima Est” from the “For Biden” album. It is an industrial remix, and it took me a while to get used to it, especially as I liked the spine-chilling atmosphere of the original track “Regima Est” and the powerful riffing of “Nightmares in Disguise”. Both aspects are unfortunately not preserved on the remix. “Clamor Luna Orchestram” is the orchestral version of the “Clamor Luna” trilogy “Clamor Rex”, “Regima Est”, and “Regrum Sanguinis” taken from the “For Biden” album. It was an excellent idea to rearrange the trilogy to an orchestral version with the grim atmosphere and the dark mood of the originals fully being preserved. It is the longest track on “Into Hell Fire We Burn”. The EP finishes with the cover version of ROTTING CHRISTs “Non Serviam” and I could not think of a better song that would fit to the overall atmosphere and darkness of “Into Hell Fire We Burn”. I like the cover version more than the original and it is a good way to end the EP.

W.E.B. deliver an EP that might be a glimpse of that what might follow as a full-length album. Into Hell Fire We Burn” is a mixture of the unique symphonic Black Metal sound of W.E.B. and an experimental approach. The rearrangements of the older songs result in some unique new material with the orchestral version of the trilogy being the highlight of the EP. Not every experiment is successful, and the industrial remix attempt is one of them. The EP is well produced. If “Into Hell Fire We Burn” is a teaser for a new full-length album, then symphonic Black Metal fans have something to look forward to.

8 / 10









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"Into Hell Fire We Burn" Track-listing:
  1. Into Hell Fire We Burn
  2. Forbidden Storm
  3. Necrology Of Hel
  4. Lunar Nightmares
  5. Clamor Luna Orchestram
  6. Non Serviam (ROTTING CHRIST cover)
W.E.B. Lineup:

Sakis Prekas – Vocals, Guitars

Sextus Argious Maximus – Guitars

Nikitas Mandolas – Drums

Hel Pyre – Bass, Vocals

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