Circle Of Life


ICTORY is able to make all the tunes gel together, making “Circle Of Life” into another album that has me tapping my feet and banging my head whilst trying to type any kind of understandable review. That really is almost impossible, as even my bum is trying to lift itself of the seat, to get me to dance along to the music.
September 10, 2024

VICTORY was a very apt name for this band when I reviewed their “Gods Of Tomorrow” album from 2021. That made me pounce when I saw that their latest attempt at conquering the Metal world “Circle Of Life” was up for grabs for us reviewers. I shouldn't have to go through the whole story of the history again, as I gave you guys a detailed report on the other review. Look it up if you will. All I can say is that these Germans have once again given us reason to rejoice about their music.

VICTORY sounds as German as a T-Ford. In othewr words, if someone would have told me this was as American as apple pie, I would have believed it in a second. But as I do know VICTORY, I know they are from the bratwurst and Oktoberfest country. And yes, I am probably repeating myself, they have a knack when it comes to writing bloody good Melodic Rock/Metal. Every note is exactly at the right place, gets the proper attention and fits like the proverbial glove. But what is even more impressive, all the songs on “Circle Of Life” feel like they have belonged together for ages.

VICTORY is able to make all the tunes gel together, making “Circle Of Life” into another album that has me tapping my feet and banging my head whilst trying to type any kind of understandable review. That really is almost impossible, as even my bum is trying to lift itself of the seat, to get me to dance along to the music. How awkward would that be, putting your review together and at the same time being distracted and drawn away by the music. It just shows that once again I am really enjoying what VICTORY has to offer.

“Circle Of Life” earmarks the fortieth anniversary of VICTORY, and they have done themselves proud with another gem of an album. I dont know how many praises I can sing an album, but it might suffice if I tell you that for me “Circle Of Life” is even better than the majestic “Gods Of Tomorrow” was in 2021. And that sure is saying something. The fact that after such a long musical life tyou are able to come out stronger than before is testament to the quality of the band VICTORY. Well, they can claim their name again, as to me “Circle Of Life” is just perfect.

10 / 10









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"Circle Of Life" Track-listing:

1 - Tonight We Rock
2 - American Girl
3 - Count On Me
4 - Surrender My Heart
5 - Unbelievable World
6 - Moonlit Sky
7 - Falling
8 - Money
9 - Reason To Love
10 - Virtual Sin

Victory Lineup:

Gianni Pontillo – Vocals
Herman Frank – Guitars
Mike Pesin – Guitars
Malte Frederik Burkert – Bass
Michael Stein – Drums

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