The Circle


“The Circle” is an excellent delivery of traditional Folk melodies combined with the heaviness of powerful guitar riffs, strong basslines, and relentless drumming
March 25, 2025

VALLORCH hailing from Venice, Italy were formed in 2010. The Folk Metal band released one EP and “The Circle” is their third full-length album. The album has a length of about 42 minutes, and it was released via Italian Heavy, Power, and symphonic Metal specialists Rockshots Records. The album starts with the mid-tempo track “To The Silver Summit”. The guitar riffing is powerful and supported by plenty of double-bass drumming, whistles, and keyboards. The female vocals vary between the medium and higher end of the vocal range with many highly pitched notes. The melodies are traditional Folk melodies but catchy. Altogether, it is a very good opening track. “Hellpath” keeps going with the mid-tempo Folk Metal sound. The guitar riffing is thunderous, and it is a pretty heavy track. The vocals are mainly higher pitched and supported by backing deep-lying growls. The break leads to a contributing lead guitar solo, followed by a keyboard solo. “Circle Of The Moon” is another traditional Folk Metal track with catchy melodies at mid-tempo and anthemic chorus parts. The track has very prominent whistle parts, in particular to introduce the break. The break also includes the male backing vocals. “Circle Of The Moon” is a sing-along track and it is no surprise that it has been released as video with the YouTube link provided below.

Drink Some More!” starts with the whistles and transitions into a fast track driven by the guitar riffing, the strong basslines, and the vocals. The vocals use mainly notes around the medium end of the vocal range with very few higher notes included. The break starts with a short whistle solo followed by a short lead guitar solo. The chorus melodies are catchy and almost anthemic. “Antemoia” is a quiet song, driven by the acoustic guitars, the whistles, the violins, and the female vocals during the first half of the track. Drums, bass, and electric guitars join in after around two minutes, however, the track remains to be a ballad. Vocalist Sara Tacchetto uses her full vocal range and keeps the track excellently together. Another highlight besides the vocal contribution is the extended lead guitar solo. Antemoia” is one of my favourite album songs. “Röte Löon” starts with the guitars and the bagpipes at a measured tempo. The main vocals are performed by the male vocalists, and they vary around the deep end of the vocal range. The melodies are slightly darker compared to most other album tracks. The track contains another excellent lead guitar solo however, it is very heavy and provides a bit of a counterpoint to the Folk sound of the track.

Salbaneo” starts crushing with the guitars. The guitar riffs for the verse parts are punishing. While the verse parts are played at mid-tempo, the chorus parts are played at high pace. The vocals are deep-lying male growls. There is a tempo switch towards a measured approach during the break leading into a fine lead guitar solo. “Salbaneo” is arguably the heaviest album track in terms of guitar riffing, pace, and vocals. “The Wild One” goes back to mid-tempo mode with powerful guitar riffs, the bagpipes, crunching basslines, and the female vocals. The melodies are dark with a slight melancholic touch. The vocals use mainly highly pitched notes. Sara Tacchetto has backing vocal support with the male growls. The album finishes with the longest album track. “Dyssomnia” has a playing time of about nine minutes. It starts as a mid-tempo track with tight guitar riffs, strong basslines, and the female vocals, who uses mainly medium pitched notes. There are many tempo and rhythm switches ranging from crazy pace to measured tempo. The fast parts are supported by a few blast-beats and double-bass drumming. In between, the Folk vibes are at full swing. Halfway through, there is a quiet part driven by orchestral arrangements led by the strings, the lead guitars, and the main melody performed by the violin. This is followed by the break leading into a keyboard solo. The break has a few twists and turns in tempo with slow parts led by the vocals, interrupted by short crushing parts. “Dyssomnia” offers the full range of Folk Metal and is the highlight of the album.

VALLORCH release a very good Folk Metal album. “The Circle” is an excellent delivery of traditional Folk melodies combined with the heaviness of powerful guitar riffs, strong basslines, and relentless drumming. All is kept together by an excellent vocalist who brings her versatility and her ability to transport emotions to the table. “The Circle” is a very dynamic album where crushing, catchy, and quiet parts alternate. The album is well produced. VALLORCH step up with their new album and Folk Metal fans will be delighted with the songs of “The Circle”.

9 / 10

Almost Perfect








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"The Circle" Track-listing:
  1. To The Silver Summit
  2. Hellpath
  3. Circle Of The Moon
  4. Drink Some More!
  5. Antemoia
  6. Röte Löon
  7. Salbaneo
  8. The Wild One
  9. Dyssomnia
Vallorch Lineup:

Sara Tacchetto Vocals, Bagpipes, Whistles

Mattia Bugin Guitars

Marco Povolo Keyboards, Vocals

Massimo Benetazzo Drums, Percussion

Leonardo Dalla Via Bass, Vocals

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